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Talk:Liturgy of St. Tikhon of Moscow

628 bytes added, 22:55, August 11, 2008
Misreading "exclusive use": new section
I fail to see any ambiguity in this letter to warrant the claim that the SASB is not authorized in the same way that the OM is. --[[User:Fr Lev|Fr Lev]] 22:57, August 9, 2008 (UTC)--[[User:Fr Lev|Fr Lev]] 22:57, August 9, 2008 (UTC)
== Misreading "exclusive use" ==
Willibrord and Pistevo seem to misunderstand the meaning of the English sentence in Metropolitan PHILIP's letter of authorization of the OM" "These approved texts are the exclusive use of our Archdiocese." That says that these liturgies are only used by the Antiochian Archdiocese. If one reads it as Willibrord does, then the sentence says that only the OM texts are used in the Antiochian '''Archdiocese''' (not the AWRV), which is patently false, as most of their parishes use the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and Liturgy of St Basil. --[[User:Fr Lev|Fr Lev]] 22:55, August 11, 2008 (UTC)
== Misreading "exclusive use" ==
Willibrord and Pistevo seem to misunderstand the meaning of the English sentence in Metropolitan PHILIP's letter of authorization of the OM" "These approved texts are the exclusive use of our Archdiocese." That says that these liturgies are only used by the Antiochian Archdiocese. If one reads it as Willibrord does, then the sentence says that only the OM texts are used in the Antiochian '''Archdiocese''' (not the AWRV), which is patently false, as most of their parishes use the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and Liturgy of St Basil. --[[User:Fr Lev|Fr Lev]] 22:55, August 11, 2008 (UTC)