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Ordination of Women

1 byte removed, 23:20, June 6, 2007
Arguments for
===Arguments for===
Advocates for changing this position argue that the essential [[icon]] image of [[Christ]] is his humanness, not his maleness. God became man to show that both men and women could be saved and return to the divine image within them. Challengers also point out that Christ did not ordain his [[apostles]]. This was done at [[Pentecost]] by the [[Holy Spirit]]. Women were present at the time, and the Holy Spirit continues to descend on male and females alike. The Orthodox Church recognizes a number of women saints as ''[[Equal-to-the-Apostles]]'', including the "apostle to the apostles," [[Mary Magdalene]]. Further, Orthodox theology of the priesthood emphasizes the character of the priest, not his sex, and understands the priest as representing the people to God rather than representing Christ or the Father to the people. An emphasis on the priest as 'in persona christaechristi' is more characteristic of Catholic theology.
===Arguments against===