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Mitko Machevski

1,298 bytes added, 03:46, May 28, 2006
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<!-- this needs to get bigger, then {{orthodoxyinaustralia}}-->
V. Rev. Protopresbyter Fr '''Mitko Machevski''' is the [[parish]] [[priest]] of Saint Nicholas Church Bankstown, NSW, Australia, an Old Calendar , Slavonic usage , parish of the [[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand, and All Oceania|Antiochian Archdiocese]]. He was born July 1954 in Ratevo, Yugoslavia, now known there as the Republic of Macedonia. Trained at Saint Kliment Ohridski Seminary for 5 years. Tertiary studies in History at Skopje University. Married Zorka. Ordained in Macedonia into the [[Macedonian Orthodox Church| Autonomous Archdiocese of Ohrid]]. One daughter, Alexandra. Sent to Australia 1986. Served in Rockdale, then Queanbeyan while Metropolitan Timotji was diocesan bishop of Australia. After 10 years in Australia, was granted canonical letters of release from Met Timotji and went back to Macedonia for eight months. Returned to Australia and secular employment.  In 1998, invited by [[Bishop]] [[Gibran (Ramlawey) of Australia and New Zealand|Gibran]] to join the Antiochian Orthodox Diocese and serve at Saint Nicholas (OCA) Church Bankstown. Has remained there since, and is unsalaried Parish Priest. Elevated to [[protopresbyter]] by [[Metropolitan Archbishop]] [[Paul (Saliba) of Australia and New Zealand| Paul]] in 2001. Asked why he changed to Antioch he says, "I am Orthodox for religious reasons, not nationalistic ones. Antioch is not a nationalistic Church. Antioch is happy to allow the full diversity of languages, and usages, including the two calendars. I can be more Orthodox in Antioch than elsewhere."