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Western Rite

50 bytes added, 17:36, February 19, 2005
North American Western Rite parishes generally follow one (or sometimes both) of two types of traditional Western liturgical traditions. About 75% use the [[Liturgy of St. Tikhon of Moscow]], which is an adaptation of the [[Eucharist|Communion]] service from the 1898 1928 Anglican ''Book of Common Prayer''and "The Anglican Missal in the American Edition. " The remaining 25% use the [[Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great]], which is a modified form of the Tridentine Mass known to Roman Catholics before the liturgical reforms of Vatican II in the 1960s. The complete Roman rite of Benediction is also authorized.
The liturgy has much less repetition than its corresponding elements in the Byzantine rite, and generally has a more rational, succint manner to it. Celebrants wear distinctive Western vestments, and the faithful follow pious devotional customs particular to their tradition, as well.
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