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Seraphim (Rose)

2 bytes added, 15:56, February 8, 2006
About him
* ''Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos, Vol. 2'', by Abbot Cherubim, compiled and translated by Fr. Seraphim Rose and Abbot Herman Podmoshensky. Platina: Saint Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1992 (2nd Rev edition). (ISBN 0938635573)
===About himBiographies===
*Christensen, Hieromonk Damascene. ''Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works''. Platina: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2003. (ISBN 1887904077) (greatly revised edition of ''Not of This World'')
*Christensen, Monk Damascene. ''Not of This World: The Life and Teaching of Fr. Seraphim Rose''. Platina: St. Herman Press, 1993. (ISBN 0938635522)