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Orthodox Blogs

3,175 bytes added, 01:45, August 15, 2023
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Not necessarily new blogs, but new(er) additions to the page
<!--- Please post the month in which you add the blog in a comment like this. Blogs get cycled out after about 3 months. Blogs that have not been updated in more than a year typically should be added directly to the category in which they belong, i.e. "cooking blogs", "individual blogs", etc --->
<!---March 2023--->
*[ The Greek Soul] (store)
*[ Rod Dreher] (mostly paid)
*[ The Abbey of Misrule] Paul Kingsnorth
*[ Believe. Think.]
*[ On Love and Longing]
*[ Orthodox Mansions]
*[ Orthodox Pilgrim]
*[ The Orthodox Ship]
*[ Orthodox Social Thought] Fr Gregory Jensen
*[ The Orthodox Soul]
*[ Pilgrims in the Machine]
*[ Russian Christian News Syndicate]
*[ Seeking an Orthodox Mind]
*[ St. Tikhon Newsletter] St. Tikhon Mission Church (OCA) Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
*[ Tales from an Orthodox Viking]
*[ Theoria TV]
*[ The Uncreated Light]
*[ Greek Orthodox Christian Television]
<!--- February 2023 --->
*[ Confiteri] A Southern Perspective
*[ Eastern Chestnut] Restoring Strength to the South Through Orthodoxy
*[ Icons and Their Interpretation] Information for the objective student of Russian, Greek, and Balkan icons (Not written from an Orthodox point of view, but extremely informative)
*[ St. Nicholas Cathedral] Ft. Wayne, IN (OCA, Bulgarian Diocese)
*[ Chrysostom Academy] Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
*[ St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church] Brunswick, Victoria, Australia
*[ Art of Orthodoxy]
*[ My Wellness Basket]
*[ Geniuses at Play] A Constructivist Principal's blog Plato Academy, Des Plaines, Illinois
*[ Mystagogy Resource Center] The author, John Sanidopoulos, has moved his main site here, though his other main site is still available, though no new posts will be added there.
<!--- January 2023 --->
*[ English Blog of the Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Consolation] orthodox quotes and passages by Saints and Elders
*[ Orthodox Theology]
*[ Being in Community] Building the Bonds that Lead to Eternity (Coptic)
*[ anthropos]
*[ M J Helianth]
*[ Of Pigtails and Dinosaurs]
*[ Anastasia's Peaceful Kitchen]
*[ Katherine Sanders Icons]
*[ Valerie Protopapas] @ the Abbeville Institute
*[ Rachel Wilson]
*[ Orthodox Youth Resources A Resource for Orthodox Christian Youth and Youth Workers]
*[ Examining World Religions from an Orthodox Christian Perspective]
*[ Praxis and Theoria] Random Thoughts About Random Subjects
*[ Know Thyself] An Examination of Moral and Ethical Issues from an Orthodox Christian Perspective
*[ Salvation of Sinners] A Website of Future Published Books
<!--- November 2022 --->
*[ Howling Hive] <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ Orthodox Christian Supply] <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ A Dose of Theosis] <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ Fr. Volodymyr Zablotskyy] <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ Writing the Light] George Kordis Icon Workshops <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ The Poetics of the Icon] Online Journal for Iconography <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ Through the Grace of God] Orthodox Christianity <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ Bucknell Orthodox Christians at Saint John Mission] The Gospel of the Apostolic Church at the Susquehanna Confluence <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ John's Micro Blog]
*[ Orthodox Daily Readings]
*[ @frajarmus] Orthodox Christianity Explained - Fr. Andrew Jarmus
*[ Nick's Blog] Posts consisting of latest news, info and behind the scenes images and videos of my current and future projects.
*[ Silk and Chai] Left Eurasianist Political Meditations
*[ Orthodox Christian Tools/Store/Blog] Best Answers to Your Spiritual Questions
*[ Orthodox Christian Reflections] Looking at Life in the Orthodox Christian Faith
*[ Orthodox Times]
*[ Breath of Hallelujah] Being perfected through tribulation, stretched tight into tune
*[ Marilyn Gardner] Communicating Across Boundaries
*[ The Mystic Sisters]
*[ Sons of St. Joseph]
*[ A Lamp for Today] Understanding the Old Testament With Jesus and the Apostles - Edith Humphry
*[ A Light so Lovely] Cultivating Christian Culture in a Post-Christian Age - Dcn. Nicholas Kotar
* [ The Morning Offering] - Abbot Tryphon
*[ The Music Stand] Notes on music, liturgy, and the sacrifice of praise - Benedict Sheehan
<!--- *[ Nearly Orthodox] on being a modern woman in an ancient tradition - Angela Doll Carson -->
*[ No Other Foundation] - Fr. Lawrence Farley
*[ Orthodox Reformed Bridge] - Robert Arakaki
* [ Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy] Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape - Fr. Andrew S. Damick
*[ Praying in the Rain] Reflections on the Inner Life from Canada's Pacific Coast - Fr. Michael Gillis
*[ Raising Saints] Elissa Bjeletich
*[ Remembering Sion] living the Christian tradition in the modern world <!--- October 2019 --->
*[http Roads From Emmaus] Fr. Andrew S. Damick]
*[ Time Eternal] Faith at the Intersection of Time and Eternity - Nicole Roccas
*[ Walking An Ancient Path] Living Orthodox Christianity in a Modern World - Lynette Horner
*[ The Whole Counsel] The Scriptures in the Orthodox Church - Fr. Stephen De Young
<!--- *[ With Lamps in Hand] - Christina Andresen--->*[ Word of the Day] Commentary on the Daily Lectionary of the Orthodox Church*[ A Healing Driven Life] Mastering the Ascetical Practice of Healing the Unresolved Fr. Joshua Makoul*[ Beyond the Bars] Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry*[ Every Thought Captive] Orthodox Christian Commentary on Social Issues*[ Living Water] Prayers and Praise with Single Parents*[ Rethinking Sacrifice] Not Frightening, Friend-Making 
==Individual Church parish blogs==
===United States===
* [ Fr. John's Blog] St. John of Chicago Orthodox Church, Rogers, Arkansas - Fr. John Wehling
* [ Nativity of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church (OCA)] Madison, Illinois
* [ Orthodox Kokomo] The blog for St. Thomas the Apostle Orthodox Christian Church in Kokomo, Indiana. "Come and see!"
* [ Nativity of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church (OCA)] Madison, Illinois* [ Fr. John's Blog] St. John of Chicago Orthodox Church, Rogers, Arkansas - Fr. John Wehling* [ Redeeming the Time] St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Dallas, Texas, (English) - [ Redeeming the Time] (Russian)* [ St. Gregory Palamas Greek Orthodox Monastery] Mansfield, Ohio===New York====
* [ Holy Trinity Monastery] Jordanville, New York
* [ Notes from Holy Apostles] Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, Lansing, New York
====North Carolina====
* [ Out of Egypt] St. Raphael Orthodox Mission Church, North Carolina - Fr. James Guirguis
* [ St. Gregory Palamas Greek Orthodox Monastery] Mansfield, Ohio
*[ Bucknell Orthodox Christians at Saint John Mission] The Gospel of the Apostolic Church at the Susquehanna Confluence <!--- November 2022 --->
====South Carolina====
* [ Orthodox Way of Life] Articles and information about how to live an Orthodox Christian life. The blog of the Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Greenville, South Carolina
* [ Redeeming the Time] St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Dallas, Texas, (English) - [ Redeeming the Time] (Russian)
===Other Locations===
*[ The Art of Orthodoxy] <!---November 2019--->
*[ HEXAEMERON] The icon is, above all, theology. Its function consists not in aesthetic contemplation, but in participation in the act of worship.
*[ Writing the Light] George Kordis Icon Workshops <!--- November 2022 --->
*[ The Poetics of the Icon] Online Journal for Iconography <!--- November 2022 --->
==Cooking, Recipes, and Eating==
*[ Orthodoxy and Animals] I'm Orthodox. I love animals. Here are some pictures of animals with a connection to Orthodoxy.
*[ Days of Grace] III KINGDOMS 19:11-12 "Behold, the Lord will pass by, and before the Lord, a great and powerful wind will be rending the mountains and shattering the rocks; but the Lord will not be in the wind. After the wind, an earthquake, but the Lord will not be in the earthquake. After the earthquake, there will be a fire, but the Lord will not be in the fire. After the fire, there will be a sound of a gentle breeze, and the Lord will be there."
==Business Blogs==
*[ Orthodox Christian Supply]
*[ Orthodox Christian Tools/Store/Blog] Best Answers to Your Spiritual Questions
==Other Topics==
*[ Christian Ecopoetics and Apologetic Theology: Seeking to Read the Signs of the Times in Christian Ecosemiotics]
*[ The Orthodox Scouter] <!--- December 2021 --->
*[ Sons of St. Joseph]
==Clergy Blogs==
*Metropolitan [[Savas_(Zembillas)_of_Pittsburgh|Savas (Zembillas) of Pittsburgh]] - [ Sava on a Rolla] BEING THE RAMBLINGS OF THE BISHOP OF TROAS WHILE TRAVELING, BEGUN WHILE ON SABBATICAL IN FLORENCE
*Bishop [[Seraphim (Sigrist) of Sendai|Seraphim (Sigrist)]] - [ Seraphim's LiveJournal]
* [ The Morning Offering] - Abbot Tryphon
===Last Name: A===
*[ Priest Matthew Jackson]
* [ The American Orthodox Institute] - Fr. Hans Jacobse
*[ @frajarmus] Orthodox Christianity Explained - Fr. Andrew Jarmus
*[ Koinonia] Fr. Gregory Jensen <!--- May 2019 --->
*[ Fr. Mark's Musings] When there are no postings, I must be a-musing. - Fr. Mark Wallace
* [ Rebel With a Cause] Fr. Gabriel Weller <!--- Aug 2015 -->
*[ Fr John Whiteford's Commentary and Reflections] <!---April 2019--->
* [ Byzantine Frontier] - Fr. John Guy Winfrey
*[ Oh Taste and See] Life as Eucharist and Icon - Fr. David Wooten
===Last Name: Z===
*[ Fr. Volodymyr Zablotskyy]
*[ Paredwka: Catching the Ball] Fr. Dcn. Benjamin Harju <!--- February 2019 --->
*[ Cycle Days] I am a deacon in the Antiochian Orthodox Church, a professional fire fighter, a part-time deputy sheriff, and a pretty avid cyclist. <!--- September 2019 --->
* [ Paradosis] - " Remove not the Ancient Landmark Which your Fathers Have Set" Fr. Dcn. James Ferrenberg
*[ Epektasis] Thoughts from my Studies in Orthodoxy
*[ Eric Hyde's Blog] An Orthodox Christian Stumbling through Modern Culture <!--- December 2021 --->
*[ Even Thine Altars] seeking the Lord's dwellings in simplicity <!---November 2019--->
*[ Everyday Asceticism] Living in the world. Longing for the desert. <!--- January 2019 --->
<!---- * [ The Handmaid] ---March 2016--->
<!---* [ Hannah E Vazquez] --->
*[ Haven of Helena] <!--- May 2019 --->
* [ The Heavy Anglo Orthodox]
<!---* [ Hellenic Reporter] - Fighting the good fight for all freedoms, including freedom of religion. --->
* [ Holy Protection Hummus and Pizza Parlor]
* [ Home in Orthodoxy]
*[ How many letters in Slavonic?] Discovering Russian Orthodox Christianity
*[ Howell News from Alaska]
*[ Howling Hive]
* [ My Orthodox Life] An Average American Family meets Orthodox Christianity <!---March 2016--->
*[ My Sears Catalog Life] The Good Life ... Guaranteed
*[ The Mystic Sisters]
<!---* [ Pactum Serva] - Orthodox blog on subjects ranging from Theology to Culture to Politics-->
<!-- * [ Ramblings of a Single Dad] - "An adoptive single Orthodox father rambles on faith, fatherhood, family, and friends." --->
==Coptic and Oriental Orthodox==
* [] Christianity, Orthodoxy, & Technology
*[ Fr. Antonios Kaldas]
* [] The official blog of Fr. Bishoy Andrawes, Priest of St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church of Washington, DC
* [ Fr. Anthony Messeh] Finding God in Everyday Life <!---Aug 2015--->
*[ Coptic Dad & Mom]
*[ Stupidity and Humility]
*[ I Shall Hope] The Story of a Daughter of the King
*[ Doxa]
*[ Glory and Rubbish]
*[ Christnology] A Fusion of Christ and Technology.
*[ Become Orthodox] Fr. Moses Samaan
*[ City Desert] Desert Spirituality for the City
*[ Dear Dad] <!--- April 2020 --->
*[ Punte între două lumi]
*[ Comuniune Ortodoxă]
*[ Dulce Casă] inspirație, motivație și încurajare