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Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain

443 bytes added, 02:37, July 29, 2018
Sources: Added source.
* ''Modern Orthodox Saints (Vol. 3)'' by Constantine Cavarnos. Published by the Institute for Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, 1994 (ISBN 0914744410)
*[[Christos Yannaras]], ''Orthodoxy and the West: Hellenic Self-Identity in the Modern Age''. Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2007. (ISBN 978-1885652812)
*For a recent detailed criticism of Christos Yannaras’ methodology as anachronistic, see Jean Claude-Larchet, “Hypostasis, Person, and Individual in the Teaching of Maximos the Confessor, with reference to the Cappadocians and St. John of Damascus,” in Alexis Torrance and Symeon Paschalidis, eds., “Personhood in the Byzantine Tradition: Early, Medieval, and Modern Perspectives.” Routledge, 2018 (ISBN ISBN 978-1472472786). 47-67.
*[[Kallistos Ware]], "St Nikidimos and the ''Philokalia''" in D. Conomos and G. Speake, ''Mount Athos the Sacred Bridge: The Spirituality of the Holy Mountain''. Peter Lang, 2005. (ISBN 978-0820468808)
*"Nicodemus the Hagorite." Wikipedia.