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Orthodox Blogs

45 bytes added, 12:32, December 2, 2014
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* [ Ancient Church] - The blog formerly known as Minor Clergy
* [ Orthodixie] - "Southern, Orthodox, Convert, Etc." Fr. Joseph Huneycutt
* [ The Orthodox Church of Tomorrow] - Fr. John Peck's blog
* [ OrthodoxyToday Blog] - News & commentary, compiled by Fr. Hans Jacobse
* [ Orthodox Way of Life] Articles and information about how to live an Orthodox Christian life. The blog of the Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Greenville, SC.
* [ Paradosis] - "A handing over, which is done by word of mouth or in writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc." Fr. Dcn. James Ferrenberg
* [ Red River Orthodox] "Eastern Christianities Engaging 'the West'." Primary author, Fr. Oliver Herbel
* [ Fr. John Peck]
* [ Preacher's Institute] - The World's Premier Online Orthodox Christian Homiletics Resource (Fr. John Peck)
* [ Fr. Peter Preble] Erstwhile and occasional writings