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List of modern iconographers

234 bytes added, 05:44, February 24, 2014
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*[ Mother Anastasia]
*[ Robert J. Andrews]
* Robin Armstrong
*[ Ilya & Michael Balavadze]
*[ Irina Belyakova]
*[ Michael Fedorko]
*[ Joanna Ferencz]
*Matushka Patricia Fostiropoulos
*[ Matthew Garrett]
*[ Maikel Gerges]
*[ Fr. Anthony Salzman]
*[ Henry Shirley]
*[ Eleni Schumaker]
*[ Iouri (Yuri) Sidorenko]
*[ Gregory E. Sieppe]
*[ Arlene Anne Tilghman]
*[ Fr. Theodore Koufos]
*[[Andrew Tregubov]]
*[ Tom Tsagalakis]
*[ Brian Nicholas Tsai]
==Present Day Iconography schools==
*[ The Bethlehem Icon School]
*[ The Prosopon School]
*[ Byzantine School of Iconography]
*[ Iconofile Resource Guide: Schools] and [ Iconofile Resource Guide: Instruction]
*[ Icon-painting workshops with Valentin Streltsov]