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User talk:FrJohn

2,215 bytes added, 02:41, December 27, 2013
question regarding the liturgy.
You may just have to visit an Oriental Orthodox Curch -[[User:ShenLazar|ShenLazar]] 02:24, August 21, 2013 (HST)
Shen, I have visited, with the permission of my father of confession, Oriental Orthodox churches, but my desire is to see more of these liturgies, which are authentically Eastern Orthodox, performed according to our rubrics, which still exist, and are quite different than the versions of these liturgies as they are now used by the Copts, Syriacs and Maronites. The respective versions of these liturgies are all quite different; the most recent recension of the Divine Liturgy of St. Mark, from the 1890s, for example, has all the modern features of Eastern Orthodox liturgy; it is not very different from that of St. Basil and St. John Chrysostom. It would just be a pity if we let such historically significant parts of our Sacred Tradition die off from neglect. By the way, I should also add, the Coptic Church only uses their version of the St. Mark liturgy on Christmas and in Lent, and the Syriacs primarily use the Anaphora of Mar Bar Salibi, combined with a generic liturgy of the Catechumens which is not unique in any way to the Divine Liturgy of St. James, which they celebrate only on certain specific occasions. Though the Syriac Orthodox in theory have more than 80 anaphoras, in practice, they only ever use two of them (St. James on rare occasions, and Mar Bar Salibi the rest of the time, simply because its the shortest). I did by the way find on YouTube videos of portions of the Divine Liturgy of St. James being celebrated in a Greek Orthodox parish, apparently in the Middle East; it wasn't clear where exactly. Would it be appropriate to add links to them from the relevant article?
By the way, FrJohn, on another matter, is there any chance you could write a short, simple article explaining the interrelationship between the Orthodox service books, and how a typical bishop or parish priest knows how to celebrate the liturgy on a given day? Merry Christmas, by the way, both to the New Calenderists who celebrated it, and the Old Calendarists who are about to. :) I myself was terribly ill for the New Calender Christmas, and with the blessings of my father of confession will be celebrating it in a nearby ROCOR parish.
[[User:Wgw|Wgw]] 18:41, December 26, 2013 (PST)