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Russian True Orthodox Church (Raphaelites)

6 bytes added, 11:03, September 4, 2013
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After this an alternative synod of the Russian True Orthodox Church was created with Bishop Tikhon and Nazariy. At the same time, the main Synod of RTOC began to receive reports that Bishop Raphael had not fulfilled his promise to align his activities in accordance with the teachings of the church. The Holy Synod considered the possibility to condemn him for heresy. On March 13, 1999 he was removed from office and on November 27 1999 deprived "episcopal" dignity for violation of church canons and training extrasensory. The condemned Bishop Raphael, with Bishop Sergius Moyseenko, created the alternative Synod of the True Orthodox Church in Russia (TOCiR) without any blessing or Tomos from his mother Church. '''The Russian True Orthodox Church pubblished an anathema to those who received him into the Church Mr. Leonid Semionovich'''.
Not recognizing his deposition, “metropolitan” Raphael '''Leonid Semenovich Motovilov proclaimed himself Metropolitan with the title of "His Beatitude Metropolitan of Moscow, the keeper of the door of the Holy Sepulchre"'''.
In July 2003, organized a "Unity Council of Bishops of the Genuine Orthodox Church in Russia," which resulted in the unification of marginal non canonical formations in the "Free Russian Orthodox Church". The "Primate" of the new canonical religious organizations, was elected "Metropolitan of Moscow" Raphael (Procopius).