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"Velichskogo" appears to be a translation from some non-English (Bulgarian or Russian) source. There is no such city; the proper spelling is Velica. Googling "Bishop of Velica" produces related results.
His Eminence Metropolitan '''Joseph (Bosakov)diocesan prelate ''' is the ruling hierarch of the Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox [[Diocese ]] of the USA, Canada, and Australia.Name at birth Ivan Blagoev, was born on December 6, 1942 in under the [[jurisdiction]] of the village [[Church of SlavovitsaBulgaria]] since 1986. He submitted his resignation on [[February 26]], Pazardzhik2013, Bulgariabut it seems to still be pending.
== Biography Life ==Metr. Joseph was born Ivan Blagoev Bosakov, on [[December 6]], 1942 in the village of Slavovitsa, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria. From 1956 to 1961 - , Ivan was enrolled as a student of the Sofia [[Seminary]]. In 1970 After his graduation in 1961, he graduated from the continued his theological education at St. Kliment Ohridski Theological Academy in Sofia Ecclesiastical Academy , graduating in 1970.
On [[April 12]], 1970 in , Ivan entered Troyan Monastery and was [[tonsure]]d a [[monk]] by Metropolitan Lovchanski [[Maxim (Patriarch Minkov) of Bulgaria) became a monk |Maxim]] of Lovech, with the name [[Joseph]] in honor of the righteous [[Joseph of Arimathea | Joseph of Arimathea ]]. On [[May 3 of that year]], 1970, the Metropolitan Lovchanskim Maxim has he was [[ordination|ordained as ]] [[hierodeacondeacon]]by Metr. Maxim. On [[December 27 ]], 1970, Dcn. Joseph was ordained to the rank of a [[priest]] and was appointed protosyngellos of [[Diocese]] of Lovech. After Metr. Maxim was [[enthronement|enthroned]] as Patriarch of Bulgaria, Father Joseph was appointed [[protosyngellos]] of the Diocese of Sofia in July 1971.
From On [[October 10]], 1971, Fr. Joseph was assigned by the Bulgarian [[Holy Synod]] to conduct specialist theological studies at [[Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary|Moscow Theological Academy]]. After defending his doctoral thesis, and with the blessing of the Patr. Maxim, Fr. Joseph was raised to the dignity of [[archimandrite]] by Patriarch [[Pimen (Izvekov) of Moscow|Pimen]] on [[July 1971 - Protosingel 21]], 1973. After returning to Bulgaria, he resumed his duties as protosyngellos of the Diocese of Sofia .,
From 10 October 1971On [[December 7]], at 1980, Archim. Joseph was [[consecration of a bishop|consecrated]] Bishop of Velica and appointed second [[vicar]] of the Diocese of Sofia. On [[March 24]], 1981, Bishop Joseph was appointed [[abbot]] of Troyan Monastery, and on [[June 1]], 1982 he became the direction first vicar of the Holy Synod passed specialization in Moscow Theological AcademyDiocese of Sofia.
On July 21[[April 1]], 19731983, Bishop Joseph was appointed to lead the Bulgarian Diocese of Akron in the United States, and on [[April 17]], 1986, he was formally elected Bishop of Akron. On [[December 18]], 1989, after defending his doctoral thesis with the blessing Holy Synod of the Patriarch Church of Bulgaria decided to restore the unified Bulgarian Maxim American and Australian diocese that had existed until 1969. The next day, [[December 19]], 1989, Bp. Joseph was elevated by Patriarch elected Metropolitan of Moscow the US and All Russia Pimen to Australia. By the decision of the rank Fifth Assembly of a archimadrid the Church and Laity, held in Sofia on [[December 17]], 2001, he was named Metropolitan of the US, Canada, and Australia with the [[see|seat]] in New York City.
On his return to Bulgaria | Bulgaria [[November 27]], 2012, Metropolitan Joseph was again appointed Protosingel by the Holy Synod as the spokesman on the Patriarchal church council election. On [[February 15]], 2013 at Diocese the meeting of the Holy Synod Metr. Joseph was appointed Chairman of the Central Commission, the purpose of which was to nominate three candidates for the patriarchal throne after the repose of Sofia Patr. Maxim on [[November 6]], 2012.
December 7Late February 2013, 1980 was consecrated to Metr. Joseph submitted a petition for retirement. He advised that he had prepared a candidate as a rank of bishop replacement and appointed second vicar wants to return to Bulgaria permanently. As of Velichskogo of the Diocese of SofiaSeptember 2020, Joseph's retirement has yet to occur.
On March 24{{start box}}{{succession|before=?|title=Bishop of Velica<br>vicar Diocese of Sofia|years=1980 - 1983|after=?}}{{succession|before=?|title=Bishop of Velica<br>vicar Diocese of Akron|years=1983 - 1986|after=?}}{{succession|before=?|title=Bishop of Akron|years=1986 - 1989|after=?}}{{succession|before=?|title=Metropolitan of the US and Australia|years=1989 - 2001|after=?}}{{succession|before=?|title=Metropolitan of the US, Canada, 1981 and Australia|years=2001 - Superior at Troyan Monastery .present|after=Incumbent}}{{end box}}
April 1==Source==*[ Sofia Globe: Bulgarian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Joseph, 1983 appointed head of Akronskoy Diocese the US, Canada and April 17Australia, 1986 approved as its Metropolitan.resigns]
On December 19, 1989 the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church merged the New York and Akronskoy diocese [[Bulgarian Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada and Australia | American and Australian Bulgarian dioceseCategory: Bishops]]. Since then Metropolitan Joseph was its Metropolitan with seat in New York. Published in the Bulgarian church periodical series number [[Category: Bishops of articles on Church Public Affairs.Velica]] On February 15, 2013 at the meeting [[Category: Bishops of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the purpose of which was to determine the three candidates for the patriarchal throne, was appointed Chairman of the Central Commission.Akron]] At the end of February 2013 filed a petition for retirement. Metropolitan Joseph notified that he has prepared a candidate for a place and wants to return to live permanently in Bulgaria.[[Category: 20th-21st-century bishops]]