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Template:May 5

44 bytes added, 02:51, June 29, 2011
add St Platon;
<div style="float:right;margin-left:1em">
[[Image:Irene the Great Martyr.jpg|100px|St. Irene of Thessaloniki]]
</div>Great-Martyr [[Irene of Thessaloniki]]; [[Martyr]]s Neophytus, Gaius, and Caianus; [[Saint]] Micah, [[disciple]] of Saint Sergius of Radonezh; Saint Adrian, [[Abbot]] of Monza [[Monastery]]; Saint Euthymius, [[Bishop]] of Maditos in Thrace, the [[Wonder-worker]]; New Martyr Ephraim; Saint Hilarion, [[Archbishop]] of Arles; Saint Hydrock of Cornwall; opening of the [[relics]] of Saint James, Abbot of Zheleznoborov; translation of the relics of Saint Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne; holy hieromartyr [[Platon of Banja Luka]].
<noinclude>[[Category:Calendar day templates|May 05]]</noinclude>