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Timeline of Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic relations

1,489 bytes added, 03:01, October 13, 2010
Era of Dialogue: 1980-add note;
*1968 Visit to [[Patriarchate of Alexandria]] by Vatican representatives, who give Patr. [[Nicholas (Valeropoulos) VI of Alexandria|Nicholas VI]] a part of the relics of [[Apostle Mark|St Mark]] from Venice, on behalf of Pope [[Paul VI of Rome|Paul VI]]; the [[w:Centro Pro Unione|Centro Pro Unione]] center is founded by the [[w:Society of the Atonement|Society of the Atonement]] (Graymoor Friars and Sisters) as an ecumenical research and action center.
*1979 [[w:Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church|Joint Commission of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches for Theological Dialogue]] established.
*1980 Extraordinary [ Joint Conference of the Sacred Community of Mount Athos], April 9-22, resolved publicly to state the opinion of the Athonite fathers on the subject of dialogue with the heterodox;<ref group="note">"..."Orthodoxy is not one of the churches, but The Church herself. She has preserved precisely and authentically the teaching of [[Jesus Christ|Christ]] in its pristine splendor and in all its purity. Over and above a simple, unbroken historical continuity and consistency there exists in her a spiritual and ontological authen­ticity. The same Faith, the same Spirit, the same life. It is this which constitutes the distinguishing feature of Orthodoxy and which justi­fies her claim that she is and remains The Church" (''Episkepsis'', #227, March 15, 1980)...From the Orthodox point of view there is no justification for Optimism in regard to the dialogue, and for this reason no haste should be exhibited concerning it. The Roman Catholics are pressing the dialogue, hoping to strengthen themselves by annexing Orthodoxy to themselves, for they are confronted by very powerful internal disturbances and crises, as is well known. The number of former Ro­man Catholics who have converted to Orthodoxy also disturbs them. But Orthodoxy has no reason to hasten towards dialogue since the papists remain so obdurate and immovable as regards infallibility, uniatism, and the rest of their pernicious teachings. Hastening the dialogue under such conditions is equivalent to spiri­tual suicide for the Orthodox.; " (''[ The Announcement of the Joint Conference of the Abbots of Mount Athos]. April 9-22, 1980.)</ref> [[w:Greece – Holy See relations|Greece and the Vatican City State]] formally established diplomatic relations.
*1982 Orthodox-Roman Catholic Joint Commission publishes in Munich first official common document, ''"The Mystery of the Church and of the Eucharist in Light of the Mystery of the Holy Trinity."''
*1987 Orthodox-Roman Catholic Joint Commission in Bari issues common document ''"Faith, Sacraments and the Unity of the Church."''