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Timeline of Church History (Modern Era (1821-1917))

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Modern era (1821-1917)
*1829 Treaty of Adrianople ends Greek War of Independence, culminating in the creation of the modern Greek state.
*ca. 1830 [[Slavophile movement]] begins in Russia.
*1831 Return of 3,000,000 [[Uniate]]s with to the [[Orthodox Church]] at Vilnius in 1831.
*1832 [[Church of Serbia]] becomes ''de facto'' [[autocephaly|autocephalous]].
*1833 [[Church of Greece]] declares [[autocephaly]], making it independent of the [[Church of Constantinople|Constantinople]]; death of [[Seraphim of Sarov]].
*1835 On [[February 2]] the Ecumenical Patriarch [[Constantius II of Constantinople]] (1834-35) celebrating with 12 [[bishop]]s and an enormous flood of the faithful, [[Consecration of a church|consecrated]] the rebuilt [[Church of the Life-Giving Font of the Theotokos (Istanbul)|Church of the Life-Giving Font]] dedicating it to the Most Holy [[Theotokos]].
*1838 Oxford theologian Sir [[w:William Palmer (theologian)|William Palmer]] was the principal originator of the heretical [[Branch theory|Branch Theory]], in his two-volume ''Treatise on the Church of Christ.''
*1839 Synod of Polotsk abolishes [[Union of Brest-Litovsk]] in all areas under Russian rule as Greek Catholic dioceses in Lithuania and Belarus re-enter the Orthodox Church (with the exception of the eparchy of Chelm, in Polish territory, which was itself integrated into the Russian Orthodox Church in 1875).
*1840s Correspondence of Anglican William Palmer with [[Alexei Stepanovich Khomiakov|Alexei Khomakiov]], and [[Philaret (Drozdov) of Moscow |Philaret of Moscow]] towards establishment of [[Western Rite]] church in England. *ca.1840s Emergence of the [[Neo-Byzantine architecture|Neo-Byzantine]] architectural revival style in the Russian Empire and Western Europe.*1843-46 Massacre of over 10,000 Assyrian Christians (''Nestorian, Jacobite, Chaldean'') in Tiyare and Hakkari, near Nineveh in Kurdistan, by Beder Khan-bey.*1847 Restoration of [[w:Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem|Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem]] by Pope Pius IX; the first Russian Ecclesiastical Mission was sent to Jerusalem. *1848 ''[[Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs]]'' sent by the primates and synods of the four ancient patriarchates of the Orthodox Church, condemning the [[Filioque]] as [[heresy]], declaring the [[Roman Catholic Church]] to be [[heresy|heretical]], [[schism]]atic, and in [[apostasy]], repudiating [[Ultramontanism]] and referring to the Photian Council of 879-880 as the "[[Eighth Ecumenical Council]]." *1848-1920 [[w:Patriarchate of Karlovci|Patriarchate of Karlovci]].
*1850 [[Church of Constantinople]] recognizes [[autocephaly]] of [[Church of Greece]].
*1851 Translation into English of [[Septuagint]] by Lancelot C. L. Brenton; Ottoman Empire recognizes France as supreme Christian authority in Holy Land and grants it possession of the [[Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem)|Church of the Nativity]].
*1853-56 [[w:Crimean War|Crimean War]] fought between Russia and the Ottoman Empire together with Britain and France, beginning over which church would be recognized as the "sovereign authority" of the Christian faith in the Holy Land.
*1854 [[Immaculate Conception]] declared [[dogma]] by [[Roman Catholic Church]].
*1855 Death of [[w:Søren Kierkegaard|Søren Kierkegaard]], founder of [[w:Christian existentialism|Christian existentialism]].
*1856 Pressed by the European powers, the Ottoman Sultan signed the ''[[w:Hatti-Humayun|Hatti-Humayun]]'' reform edict issued after the Crimean War, providing for the re-organization of the millet system, allowing any citizen of the Ottoman Empire to change their creed and be Christian again.
*1857 The Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem was officially inaugurated with the recognition of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
*1858 The Russian Empire bought the [[w:Russian Compound|Russian Compound]] district in central Jerusalem (outside the walls), to offer Russian pilgrims spiritual supervision, provide assistance, and sponsor charitable and educational work among the Orthodox Arab population of Palestine and Syria.
*1859 [[w:Constantin von Tischendorf|Constantin von Tischendorf]] discovers [[w:Codex Sinaiticus|Codex Sinaiticus]] at [[St. Catherine's Monastery (Sinai)|St. Catherine's Monastery]]; Charles Darwin's ''[[w:On the Origin of Species|On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection]]'' published; Christian quarter of Damascus sacked by a Muslim mob also involving Turkish troops.
*1860 Death of [[Alexei Stepanovich Khomiakov|Alexei Khomiakov]], co-founder of the [[Slavophile movement]]. *1864 First Orthodox [[parish]] established on American soil in New Orleans, Louisiana, by Greeks; death of [[Jacob Netsvetov]]; Pope Pius IX presented his [[w:Syllabus of Errors|Syllabus of Errors]].
*1865 [[Church of Romania]] declares its [[autocephaly|independence]] from the [[Church of Constantinople]].
*1867 Sale of Alaska to United States; death of [[Ignatius Brianchaninov]].
*1870 [[Papal Infallibility]] declared [[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]] dogma necessary for salvation by First Vatican Council; [[w:Papal States|Papal States]] cease to exist; Old Catholic schism occurs; Old Catholics openly courted by Russian church in France and Germany.
*1871 [[Nicholas of Japan|Nikolai Kasatkin]] establishes Orthodox mission in Japan.
*1871-78 German [[w:Kulturkampf|Kulturkampf]] against Roman Catholicism. *1872 Council in Jerusalem declares [[phyletism]] to be [[heresy]]; [[Church of Bulgaria]] gains ''de facto'' [[autocephaly]] by a decree of the Sultan; the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built as the center piece of the [[w:Russian Compound|Russian Compound]] in Jerusalem, backed by the ''Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society'' based in St. Petersburg and designed by Russian architect Martin Ivanovich Eppinger in the [[Neo-Byzantine architecture|Neo-Byzantine]] style.
*1873 [[w:Philotheos Bryennios|Philotheos Bryennios]] discovers the ''[[Didache]]'' in manuscript with copies of several early Church documents.
*1875 Uniate diocese of [[w:Chełm|Chelm]] in Poland incorporated into Russian Orthodox Church under Alexander II, with all of the local Uniates converted to Orthodoxy.
*1876 [[Theophan the Recluse]] begins issuing a translation of the ''[[Philokalia]]'' in Russian.
*1877 Death of [[Arsenios of Paros]]. *1877-1895 The classic 3-Volume Edition of the ''Corpus Iuris Civilis'' ''([[Code of Justinian]])'' is published by [[w:Theodor Mommsen|Theodorus Mommsen]], [[w:Paul Kruger|Paulus Krueger]], Rudolf Schoell, & [[w:Wilhelm Kroll|Wilhelm Kroll]].
*1879 [[Church of Constantinople]] recognizes [[autocephaly]] of [[Church of Serbia]]; death of [[Innocent of Alaska]]; [[Joseph Julian Overbeck]] journeys to Constantinople to request approval from patriarch for use of Roman liturgy and Benedictine offices.
*1881 Wave of anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia causes mass migration of Jews (2.5 million Jews settle in the United States, thousands settle in Palestine).
*1882 Synod of Constantinople gives conditional approval to use of Roman liturgy and Benedictine offices; [[w:Nihilism|Nihilist]] philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche declares ''“God is dead”''; [[Mitrophan Ji]] becomes the first Chinese ordained a priest in the [[Church of China]]. *1884 ''[[The Way of a Pilgrim]]'' published in Kazan; international Anglican monastic [[w:Order of the Holy Cross|Order of the Holy Cross]] is founded, following the [[Rule of St. Benedict]], best known for publishing the ''[[w:Saint Augustine's Prayer Book|Saint Augustine's Prayer Book]]'' in 1947.
*1885 [[Church of Constantinople]] recognizes [[autocephaly]] of [[Church of Romania]]; [[w:Revised Version|English Revised Version]] published; [[Archbishop of Canterbury]] officially removes all of [[Apocrypha]] from [[w:Authorized King James Version|King James Bible]].
*1886 [[w:Church of Maria Magdalene|Church of Maria Magdalene]] built on slope of Mount of Olives, in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem by Tsar Alexander III.
*1888 ''[[Typikon]] of the Great Church of Christ'' is published with revised church services, prepared by Protopsaltis George Violakis, issued with the approval and blessing of the Ecumenical Patriarch, while the ''Sabaite (monastic) [[Typikon]]'' continues to be used in Russia.
*1889 Federation of [[w:Old Catholic Church|Old Catholic Churches]], not in communion with Rome, at the [[w:Utrecht Union|Union of Utrecht]].
*ca. 1890 ''[[Unseen Warfare]]'' further revised by [[Theophan the Recluse]].
*1890-1 Bp. [[Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov) of the Aleutians|Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov)]] receives a parish of Swiss Old Catholics at Dyckesville, Wisconsin, as [[Western Rite]] parish.
*1891 Death of [[Ambrose of Optina]].
*1892 Pastoral visit of Bp. [[Nicholas (Ziorov) of Warsaw|Nicholas (Ziorov)]] to Western Rite parish in Wisconsin. * 1894 ''[[w:Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae|Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae]]'' (''on the Reunion of Christendom''), an Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII promulgated on [[June 20]], called for the reunion of Eastern and Western churches into the "Unity of the Faith", while also condemning Freemasonry; criticized by Ecumenical Patriarch Anthimus VII in 1895.*1895 Reply of Synod of Constantinople to Pope Leo XIII. *1896 Pope Leo XIII issues the bull ''Apostolicae Curae'' which declares Anglican Orders "absolutely null and utterly void". *1896-1906 [[w:Oxyrhynchus|Oxyrhynchus]] papyri discovered in Egypt dating from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, including portions of the New Testament. *1898 Last ethnically Greek patriarch of [[Church of Antioch|Antioch]] deposed; [[Western Rite]] diocese organized in Czechoslovakia by [[Church of Russia]]; Russian Church established a [[Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Urmia|missionary station]] in [[w:Urmia|Urmia]], Iran, resulting in a group of Nestorians, headed by a bishop Yuhanna, being received into the communion of the Russian Orthodox Church. 29th May 1898, the foundations of the first Greek Orthodox Church on the Australian continent, the Holy Trinity, were laid in Sydney. *1899 Restoration of Arabs to the [[Church of Antioch|Patriarchal throne of Antioch]]. *1900 [[Martyrs of China|Martyrdom of Orthodox Christians]] in Chinese Boxer (Yihetuan Movement) Rebellion. *1901 [[Evangelakia Events (Athens, 1901)|"Evangelakia" riots ]] in Athens Greece in November, over translations of [[New Testament]] into [[w:Dimotiki|Demotic (modern) Greek]], resulting in fall of both government and Metropolitan of Athens. *1903 Uncovering of the relics of [[Seraphim of Sarov]]. *1904 [[Church of Constantinople|Ecumenical Patriarchate]] publishes the [ "Patriarchal" Text of the Greek New Testament], based on about twenty Byzantine manuscripts; petition to Russian synod by Abp. [[Tikhon of Moscow|Tikhon (Belavin)]], Bp. [[Raphael of Brooklyn|Raphael (Hawaweeny)]], and Fr. [[John Kochurov]] to permit adaption of services taken from Anglican Book of Common Prayer for use by Orthodox people. * 1904-1905 German scholar and sociologist [[w:Max Weber|Max Weber]] published ''[[w:The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism|The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism]],'' dealing with the [[w:Sociology of religion|Sociology of religion]] and stressing that particular characteristics of ascetic Protestantism (particularly Calvanism) influenced the development of capitalism, bureaucracy and the rational-legal state in the West.*1905 Death of [[Apostolos Makrakis]]; Tsar [[Nicholas II of Russia|Nicholas Romanov's]] decree on freedom of religion results in about 250,000 [[w:Ruthenians|Ruthenians]] returning to [[Eastern Catholic Churches|Uniatism]]; seat of Russian Orthodox bishop in America moved from San Francisco to New York, as immigration from Eastern Europe and the reception of ex-[[Uniate]]s shifts the balance of Orthodox population to eastern North America. * 1906 Rev. Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton (1875-1959) founds the [[Anglican and Eastern Churches Association]], becomes General Secretary of the Association from 1906-1920.*1907 Archim. [[Eusebius Matthopoulos]] founds [[Brotherhood of Theologians Zoe|Zoe Brotherhood]]; Papal Bull ''Ea Semper'' issued, effectively subordinating Greek Catholic clergy in the United States to local Roman Catholic bishops; Commission on Anglican and Old Catholic Affairs of Russian synod reports in favor of adaptation of services from Book of Common Prayer and sets out criteria; ordination in Constantinople of first African-American Orthodox priest, the Very Rev. Fr. [[Raphael Morgan]], ''Priest-Apostolic'' to America and the West Indies. *1908 Fr. [[Nikodemos Sarikas ]] sent to Johannesburg, Transvaal, by Ecumenical Patriarchate as first Orthodox priest there, leaving after a short time for German East Africa (later Tanzania) because of the opposition of Johannesburg Greeks to mission among Africans. *1908 Death of [[John of Kronstadt]]. *1910 [[w:1910 World Missionary Conference|Edinburgh Missionary Conference]] is the formal beginning of the modern Protestant Christian ecumenical movement, a precursor to the World Council of Churches. *1912 Death of [[Nicholas of Japan]]; [[Kyriopascha]] occurs.* 1913 In a decree on August 27 the [[Church of Russia|Holy Synod of Russia]] declared the Onomatodoxy/[[w:Imiaslavie|Imiaslavie]] movement a heresy.* 1914 Martyrdom of Fr. [[Maxim Sandovich]], Protomartyr of the [[w:Lemkos|Lemko]] people; [[w:Christmas truce|Christmas Truce]] between British and German troops stationed along the Western Front during [[Nativity|Christmas]] 1914. *1915-18 1918 [[w:Armenian Genocide|Armenian Genocide]] in Turkey.
==See also==
*[[Timeline of Orthodoxy in America]]
*[[Timeline of Orthodoxy in Australia]] *[[Timeline of Orthodoxy in China]]
*[[Timeline of Orthodoxy in Greece]]
*[[Timeline of Orthodoxy in New Zealand]]
* [[Alexander Schmemann|Schmemann, Alexander]]. ''The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy''.
* [[Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia|Ware, Timothy]]. ''The Orthodox Church: New Edition''. (ISBN 0140146563) * Dr. Kathryn Tsai. ''A Timeline of Eastern Church History.'' [[St. John of San Francisco Monastery (Manton, California)|Divine Ascent Press]], CA, 2004. ISBN 0971413924
'''From a [[Heterodox]] perspective'''
* Boer, Harry R. ''A Short History of the Early Church''. (ISBN 0802813399) * Cairns, Earle E. ''Christianity Through the Centuries: A History of the Christian Church''. (ISBN 0310208122) * Chadwick, Henry. ''The Early Church''. (ISBN 0140231994) * Collins, Michael, ed.; Price, Matthew Arlen. ''Story of Christianity: A Celebration of 2000 Years of Faith''. (ISBN 0789446057) * Eusebius Pamphilus; Cruse, C.F. (translator). ''Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History''. (ISBN 1565633717) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''A History of Christian Thought, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to the Council of Chalcedon''. (ISBN 0687171822) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''A History of Christian Thought, Volume 2: From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation''. (ISBN 0687171830) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''A History of Christian Thought, Volume 3: From the Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century''. (ISBN 0687171849) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''The Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation''. (ISBN 0060633158) * Gonzalez, Justo L. ''The Story of Christianity, Volume 2: Reformation to the Present Day''. (ISBN 0060633166) * Hall, Stuart G. ''Doctrine and Practice in the Early Church''. (ISBN 0802806295) * Hastings, Adrian, ed. ''A World History of Christianity''. (ISBN 0802848753) * Hussey, J. M. ''The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire: Oxford History of the Christian Church''. (ISBN 0198264569)
* Jones, Timothy P. ''Christian History Made Easy''. (ISBN 1890947105)
* Noll, Mark A. ''Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity''. (ISBN 080106211X) * [[Jaroslav Pelikan|Pelikan, Jaroslav]]. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600)''. (ISBN 0226653714) * Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700)''. (ISBN 0226653730) * Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 3: The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300)''. (ISBN 0226653749) * Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700)''. (ISBN 0226653773)
* Pelikan, Jaroslav. ''The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 5: Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (since 1700)''. (ISBN 0226653803)
* Schaff, Philip. ''History of the Christian Church''. (ISBN 156563196X) * Wace, Henry; Piercy, William C., ed. ''A Dictionary of Christian Biography: Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D. With an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies''. (ISBN 1565630572)
* Walton, Robert C. ''Chronological and Background Charts of Church History''. (ISBN 0310362814)