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Western Rite and Old Calendarists

832 bytes added, 21:35, August 3, 2008
false documents cited - reverting to version based upon personal conversations with ROCOR clergy
'''The Old Calendarists.''' By 1969, ROCOR intervened in the Old Calendarist situation by recognizing the consecrations on her part of six Bishops for the [[Old_Calendarists#Divisions_within_the_Florinites|Florinites]]. In 1984, fifteen years later, the Primate of the Greek Old Calendarists at the time, Archbishop Auxentios of Athens, established a provincial Missionary Synod for Western Europe and the Americas (known as the "Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe and the Americas", lated the Milan Synod) which eventually absorbed the various American communities using a Western rite in 1997. In Europe, the Synod uses the Ambrosian rite annualy and Mozarabic rites in certain Spanish chapels.
'''ROCOR.''' In Europe, the ROCOR's role in the formation of the Church of France is undisputed, as the French Church, part of the Western Rite Mission of the Moscow Patriarchate, was given a Bishop by St John of Shanghai and San Francisco. However, the Church of France's parishes (in France) are on the New Calendar. The ROCOR also received the petition of Mount Royal Monastery of New York under Abbot Augustine (Whitfield) into the ROCOR in 1975. HoweverIn 1979, HTM-Boston (which later left ROCOR) purported that the ROCOR officially rejected Synod had made a decision against the use of Western rites on Sept 5/18rite. However, 1978 Western rite in ROCOR continued unopposed in its Synodal declarations Eastern America until Archbishop Hilarion (Karpral) of that yearWashington and Florida was transferred to Sydney, Australia in 1995. The use of the Western rites gradually gained reacceptance, and in In 1993, Christminster monastery was also blessed to open by Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral), who later became the First-Hierarch of the ROCOR. In 1997, Saint Petroc monastery was received in the archdiocese of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand and charged with mission work.  In 1979 a document was circulated claiming to be a Synodal decision against the Western rite. However, Western rite continued within ROCOR including Eastern America up through the time that Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral) was the bishop of Washington and Florida. According to ROCOR historians, members of the Synod at the time did not remember the matter being discussed and it is widely believed the document originated from Holy Transfiguration Monastery - Boston (which later left ROCOR.) The document, no matter its origin, was never acted upon.
==See also==