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Timeline of Church History

457 bytes added, 21:43, January 10, 2008
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== Old Testament era ==
*-5509 5509BC, - Creation of the WorldFollowing is a proposed chronology (with no certainty) of the Prophets as they appeared in history not as they are listed in the Septuagint.* 1. The holy Prophet Obdios (Obdias, Obadiah, Abdiu) contemporary of the Prophet Elias. Celebrated [[November 19]]. Born 800BC - Died ???* 2. The holy Prophet Joel. Celebrated [[October 19]]. Dating is difficult - anywhere between 835BC to 699BC.* 3. The holy Prophet Jonas. Celebrated [[]]. Flourished between 793-753 BC.
*-331BC, [[January 3]] - Malachi the [[Prophet]], last of the twelve minor prophets.