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Western Rite

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[[Image:Alexander Turner2.jpg|right|frame|Fr. [[Alexander Turner]] praying the Mass]]The '''Western Rite''' is a strand of Orthodox Christian worship based on the minority liturgical traditions of tradition within the ancient pre-[[Great Schism|Schism]] Orthodox Church of the West. Western Rite Orthodox Christians hold in common the full Orthodox faith in common with their brethren of the [[Byzantine Rite]] but celebrate Western forms of liturgy. Liturgical diversity, both between and within the East and most West, was common before the [[Great Schism]], yet not as diverse as like in today's time. At present, all of the [[bishop]]s who care for such [[parish]]es are themselves followers of the Byzantine Rite. {{westernrite}}
==Modern History==
===The Nineteenth Century===
:''Main article: [[Western Rite in the Nineteenth Century]]''In 1864, 44-year-old [[Joseph Julian Overbeck]], a former German [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]] priest who had left the priesthood and later married, was [[chrismation|chrismated]] into the [[Orthodox Church]] at the Russian Embassy Chapel in London. Overbeck was a Syriac scholar and professor in Bonn former [[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]] priest from Germany who had become left the priesthood after becoming disillusioned with the papal claims of supremacy. Two years after his chrismationHe became Lutheran and married before joining the Orthodox Church. In 1866, he published ''Catholic Orthodoxy and Anglo-Catholicism'', in which he developed contained the schema with which he was about to begin groundings for his work for the next twenty years. A year later, be began publishing a periodical, ''Orthodox Catholic Review'', aimed at putting forward Orthodoxy and rejecting Catholicism and Protestantism. The year 1867 saw Overbeck, with 122 signatures from the Oxford Movement, petition the Church of Russia for the establishment of a Western Rite church in full communion with the Eastern Rite. A seven-member synodal commission was then formed, and invited Overbeck to attend. The idea was approved, and Overbeck set about submitting a draft of the proposed Western liturgy, which added an epiclesis and the Trisagion hymn to the Tridentine [[Mass]]. This rite was submitted in 1871, and was examined and approved by the commission. Overbeck focused his efforts on the Old Catholic movement, who had rejected Papal Infallibility. He continued to engage in polemics with Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox converts using the Byzantine Rite. In 1876, Overbeck issued an appeal to the various Holy Synods, traveling to Constantinople in 1879. There he met the Ecumenical Patriarch, who authorized him to deliver sermons and create apologetical material. In 18671881, he published had some success when the Ecumenical Patriarchate agreed that the West had a right to a Western church and rite. However, his successes did not establish the Western Rite. Overbeck's marriage after his Catholic ordination was a canonical impediment to his ordination to the Orthodox priesthood; the first issue Holy Synod of Greece vetoed his scheme amongst Orthodox Churches, pressuring Constantinople to retract its previous endorsement; the ''Orthodox Catholic Review''ended its run; and by 1892, he admitted failure. Overbeck reposed in 1905. One Western Rite parish briefly entered communion with the Orthodox Church in the Nineteenth Century. In 1890, a periodical which Swiss Old Catholic parish in Wisconsin pastored by Fr. Joseph Rene Vilatte approached Bp. Vladimir (Sokolovsky) about being received into Orthodoxy. Bishop Vladimir received them on May 9, 1891; however, Fr. Vilatte was consecrated to the episcopacy by hierarchs of the [[Church of Antioch (Syriac)|Syriac Orthodox Church]] in India, among them Metropolitan [[Julius of Goa|Alvares Mar Yulios]] of Goa, on 29 May 1892. He eventually led his parish back into Old Catholicism. ===The Twentieth Century===[[Image:Alexander_Turner.jpg|right|thumb|Former Antiochian Western Rite Vicar General Fr. Alexander Turner celebrating Mass.]]:''Main article: [[Western Rite in the Twentieth Century]]''In 1911, Arnold Harris Mathew, an Old Catholic bishop, entered into union with the Patriarchate of Antioch but left the Church soon after. In 1926, the six-parish ''Polish Catholic National Church'' was received into the Polish Orthodox Church. It celebrated the Liturgy of St. Gregory, and flourished as Orthodox until wiped out by the Nazis. [] [] St. Tikhon's involvement in the Western Rite has been more enduring. While he was bishop of the Russian mission in America, some Episcopalians were interested in the possibility of joining Orthodoxy while retaining some form of the Anglican liturgy. St. Tikhon sent the 1892 Book of Common Prayer to the Holy Synod, asking about the possibility. According to Fr. Edward Hughes, St. Raphael of Brooklyn composed the letter of inquiry. In 1904, the Holy Synod admitted its possibility, including edits for its use in an Orthodox manner. It concluded that such edits "can be carried out only on the spot, in America," and found it "desirable to send the 'Observations' themselves to the Right Rev. Tikhon, the American Bishop."aimed at setting forth Between communications, the Episcopalians who had petitioned withdrew. Thus, St. Tikhon could not receive any Episcopalians before returning to Russia in 1907. However, his involvement lay the groundwork for the reception and approved liturgy of some parishes in the [[Western Rite Vicariate]] [] and later the [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia|Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)]]. There has been a significant [[Orthodox Church of France|Western Rite movement in France]], the largest remaining group thereof being the ''Union des Associations Cultuelles Orthodoxes de Rite Occidental'' (UACORO - the Union of Western Rite Orthodox Worship Associations).  ====The United States====The Antiochian Archdiocese has presided over the most stable and successful group of Western Rite parishes. The Archdiocese received the [[Society of Clerks Secular of St. Basil]] in 1961. Upon reception, the SSB became the [[Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate]], and their leader, [[Alexander Turner]], becoming an Orthodox priest and the Vicar-General of the Vicariate until 1971. At his repose, Fr. Paul W.S. Schneirla became Vicar-General. On January 1, 2009, Fr. Schneirla retired, and Fr. Edward Hughes became Vicar-General of the Western Rite. Besides the parishes that were in the former Society, other parishes have been received into the Western Rite Vicariate of the Antiochian Archdiocese, especially because of the theological and practical devolution of the truth The Episcopal Church (TEC). Added to this, several Western Rite missions have been founded, some growing into full parish status.  The Church of Russia received a New York Old Catholic Orthodoxy community in 1962 as opposed Mount Royal Monastery, which later moved from Woodstock, New York, to Popery St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York City under Archbishop John (Wendland) of the Russian Exarchate of North America. In 1975, this community was received by Archbishop Nikon (Rklitzsky) of ROCOR and Protestantismwas again relocated. In 1993, after the retirement of the Abbot, Dom Augustine (Whitfield) of Mount Royal, clearing its way through the heap prior of rubbish stored up by both parties for centuries pastMount Royal, Fr.James (Deschene) was blessed to found Christ the Saviour Monastery (" Christminster" colloquially) in Rhode Island, under Bishop [[Hilarion (Kapral) of New York|Hilarion of Manhattan]] (since transferred). As of 2007, Christminster relocated to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Its present abbot is Dom [[James (Deschene)|James Deschene]]. ====Elsewhere==== Western Rite Orthodoxy, in [[Orthodoxy in Australasia|Australia and New Zealand]], has arisen mostly from Anglican and Continuing Anglican communities. Overbeck regarded Metropolitan [[Hilarion (Kapral) of New York|Hilarion (Kapral) of Sydney]] of ROCOR received some communities under his omophor; while others have been received by Bishop [[Gibran (Ramlawey) of Australia and New Zealand|Gibran]] and Metropolitan Archbishop [[Paul (Saliba) of Australia and New Zealand|Paul]], both under the Church of Antioch. Other small groups following the Papacy Western Rite have been received, but usually have either had little impact, or have declared their independence soon after their reception. The [[Oriental Orthodox]] churches also have some Western Rite parishes. The Syrian patriarchate of Antioch consecrated Antonio Francisco Xavier Alvarez as Archbishop of Ceylon, Goa, and India in 1889, authorizing a Roman rite diocese under him; in 1891, the Syrians consecrated the aforementioned Joseph René Vilatte as archbishop for the American Old Catholics. Vilatte, however, returned to the Roman Catholic Church at the end of England his life. Many independent churches now claim to be on the verge of collapseunder his "succession".
In March of 1867, Overbeck circulated a petition to ==Liturgy in the [[Holy Synod]] of the [[Church of Russia]] explaining his designs and requesting the establishment of a Antiochian Western Rite church in [[full communion]] with the Eastern Rite of the Orthodox Church, saying, "we are Westerns...and must plead an inalienable right to remain Westerns." In September of 1867 the petition, with some 122 signatures—mainly Tractarian clerics (the "Oxford Movement")—was sent to the Russian synod. Upon receipt, a synodal commission was formed, comprised of seven members under the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, inviting Overbeck to attend the deliberations. Accompanying him was Fr. Eugene Popoff (chaplain of the Russian embassy in London), and the two were present in January of 1870 when the scheme was approved. Overbeck was then requested to submit a draft of the Western liturgy for examination.Vicariate==
North American Western Rite parishes in the Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate generally follow one of two types of traditional Western liturgical traditions (and sometimes both). The liturgy which Dr. Overbeck developed for majority celebrate the Russians was based on the 1570 Roman rite of Pope Pius V, but also included a brief [[epiclesisLiturgy of St. Tikhon of Moscow]] and , which is commonly accepted to be an adaptation of the [[TrisagionEucharist|Communion]] hymn after service from the 1928 Anglican ''GloriaBook of Common Prayer''and ''The Anglican Missal in the American Edition.''[] Until 1977, "in remembrance all Western Rite Vicariate parishes celebrated only the [[Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great]], which is a modified form of our union with the Orthodox Church[ Tridentine Mass] (that is, the Mass as revised and authorized by the Roman Catholic Council of Trent)." Returning Many parishes within the Western Rite Vicariate continue to Russia in January of 1871, Overbeck submitted celebrate the riteGregorian liturgy. In two long sessions Since most AWRV parishes celebrate more than one weekly liturgy, many of the commission, parishes that celebrate the Liturgy of St. Tikhon on Sunday celebrate the liturgy was examined and then approved for useLiturgy of St. Gregory on weekdays.
Over the next few yearsThe Western Rite liturgy, Overbeck mainly focused depending on the development its type, makes less use of the Old Catholic movement in Europe (which had gone into [[schism]] from Rome over litanies than the new [[dogma]] of [[Papal Infallibility]] promulgated at the First Vatican Council), probably hoping to find fertile ground for the establishment of his liturgical use, a Byzantine Rite. Celebrants wear distinctive Western liturgical rite within the Orthodox Church. In his magazinevestments, he engaged in polemics with both Roman Catholics and Anglicansthe faithful follow pious devotional customs particular to their tradition, as well as Orthodox converts who used the Byzantine rite.
In 1876, he reiterated his design and issued an ''Appeal to the Patriarchs and Holy Synods The development of the Orthodox Catholic Church''. Three years later, he travelled to Constantinople to meet current use within the Ecumenical Patriarch, [[Ioachim III of Constantinople|Ioachim IIIWestern Rite Vicariate]], who gave him authorization for delivering sermons and addresses in defense of Orthodoxy. In August is of 1881, the [[Church of Constantinople]] appointed a commission to examine the scheme and made the announcement that "an agreement on certain points has already been reached," recognizing the right of the West to have a Western church and rite as had existed before the [[Great Schism]].particular note:
Much :Metropolitan Antony was well aware that the Western Rite was "a work for specialists." The new Western Rite usage of the Archdiocese was to Overbeck's disappointmentbe guided by "a Commission of Orthodox Theologians," an advisory committee of qualified clerics or laymen to advise the Metropolitan and determine "the mode of reception of groups desiring to employ the Western Rite, no further developments occurred. He had hoped and the character of the rites to be a used, as well as the authorization of official liturgical texts." The first WRV Commission, convened by Metropolitan Antony in 1958, was composed of Fathers Paul Schneirla, Stephen Upson, [[priestAlexander Schmemann]] within the Orthodox Church, but his marriage after his Roman Catholic and [[ordinationJohn Meyendorff]] was seen as an impediment. Schneirla, Schmemann, rendering him ineligible. He became somewhat paranoid and Meyendorff in his later years, especially regarding particular had seen the Greeks Western Rite up close in London France, as hostile toward himit had been approved in the Russian Ukase of 1936. The Schneirla recalls Schmemann''Orthodox Catholic Review'' ended its run s work in 1885particular as being key, and seven years later as he admitted that his project had failed, saying that he had had "Hopes entertained was familiar with joy by all the truly Orthodox, recommended Liturgical Movement within the Roman Catholic and pushed forward by Anglican communions. Schmemann was particularly instrumental in joining together the Holy Synods separate Rites of Initiation of Russiathe Rituale Romanum – Baptism, Romania Confirmation and SerbiaFirst Holy Communion – into one unified rite, approved by Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, but finally crushed and destroyed by according to the veto of the Greek Synod!" He died in 1905, his dream unfulfilledOrthodox understanding.
Fr. [[Georges Florovsky]] wrote: In January of 1962, the official Western Rite Directory was issued, "establishing liturgical usages and customs and discipline,"it was not just a fantastic dream. The question raised drawing on principles gleaned from the 1904 Moscow Synodal response to Saint Tikhon, the authorization of Western Rite offices by Overbeck was pertinentMetropolitan Gerassimos (Messarah) of Beirut, even if his own answer to it was confusedly conceived. And probably and the vision 1932 Russian Ukase of Overbeck was greater than his personal interpretationMetropolitan Sergius.["html]
Ironically, before his committed and pivotal involvement with the architecture of the current usage of the Western Rite, Fr. Schmemann had criticized it in a response to a 1958 article Fr. Schneirla wrote in ''The Word''.[] However, after his criticisms, Fr. Schmemann worked to establish the Western Rite Vicariate and, later still, taught at the Western Rite seminary in Paris. ==Congregations== By far the largest group of Western Orthodox parishes is represented by the [[Western Rite Vicariate]] of the [[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America]]. Other Antiochian Western Rite parishes exist in the [[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand]]. The Twentieth Century===[[Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia]] (ROCOR) also has a small number of Western Rite parishes in addition to three monasteries: one located in Canada, one in Tasmania, and one in Florida. Missions and parishes of the ROCOR Western Rite use either the Rite of St. Gregory in one of varying uses (Sarum, Christminster, Mount Royal, or Overbeck), the Gallican Rite, or "The English Liturgy," an English Use service based upon the Sarum Use but which adapts a few elements of the 1549 ''Book of Common Prayer''. Christminster Monastery in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is a Western Orthodox [[Rule of St. Benedict|Benedictine]] monastery, which celebrates the Liturgy of St. Gregory. St. Petroc Monastery in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, celebrates the [[Sarum Use]]. St. Petroc has a number of dependencies that follow its liturgical usage, as found in the ''Saint Colman Prayer Book''.  Dom Augustine (Whitfield), the [[abbot]] of the Monastery of Mount Royal from 1963 until retirement, once remarked to St. [[John Maximovitch]] that it was difficult to promote Western Rite Orthodoxy, whereupon the saint replied: "Never, never, never let anyone tell you that, in order to be Orthodox, you must also be eastern. The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable liturgy is far older than any of her heresies." [][[Image:FonConfeitor.jpg|left|thumb|Hieromonk Aidan (Keller, ROCOR) celebrating a Sarum liturgy.]]In 2008, Metropolitan [[Hilarion (Kapral) of New York|Hilarion]] of ROCOR [ CircusNews.html blessed] Hieromonk David (Pierce) to assist Dom Augustine Whitfield "in the continuation of the work of Mt. Royal" at Hieromonk David's monastery, Holyrood, in Florida. Hieromonk David utilizes the ordinary compiled by Mount Royal monastery, and is preparing for publication of the books of the Mount Royal use.  In late 2008, Metropolitan Hilarion received a hieromonk of the Milan Synod, Father Aidan (Keller), and blessed the publication of a new edition of his seminal work, ''Old Sarum Rite Missal'' for his personal prayers, while he serves a Byzantine parish in ROCOR.jpg His liturgy had previously been blessed by the Western Archdiocese of the [[Milan Synod]].  Western rite communities can also be found which are not or, are no longer, in communion with the mainstream [[Orthodox Church]]. The [[Orthodox Church of France]] was once cared for by St. [[John Maximovitch]] and later by the [[Church of Romania]]&mdash;also uses a Western Rite liturgy based on ancient Gallican liturgical materials, with some Byzantine supplements. The Orthodox Church of France currently functions as an independent body, and is not in communion with the [[List of autocephalous and autonomous churches|mainstream Orthodox Church]]. In addition, the [[Holy Synod of Milan]], an [[Old Calendarist]] Synod (and therefore not in communion with the [[List of autocephalous and autonomous churches|rightmainstream Orthodox Church]]), has a number of communities (under the central direction of the monastery and Archdiocesan center, the [[The Abbey of the Holy Name (West Milford, New Jersey)|thumbAbbey of the Holy Name]]) which worship according to Western rites, including its own version of the [[Sarum Use]]. This recension is different from the version of the Sarum Rite used within ROCOR before 2008. ==Criticism==:''Main article: [[Western Rite Criticism]]''The Western Rite in the Orthodox Church is not without its critics. Objections are made in regards to desire for liturgical uniformity within Orthodoxy and fears that the Western Rite would produce division within the Church. Some question the sincerity of Western Rite converts, just as some question the conversions of those within the Byzantine Rite. Finally, some complain about a lack of organic liturgical continuity, or will not attend a Western Rite [[Eucharist]]. However, no Orthodox parish may deny the Eucharist to visiting faithful of the canonical Western Rite, regardless of their feelings about the concept of Western Rite Orthodoxy. There have been no schisms within the episcopacy of the Orthodox Church regarding the issue of Western Rite parishes. Whether the Western Rite will grow in its acceptance by Orthodox Christians who follow the Byzantine Rite remains to be seen. In the meantime, the Orthodox bishops who oversee Western Rite parishes&mdash;and many who oversee no Western Rite parishes&mdash;continue to declare their Western flocks to be true Orthodox Christians and regard them as fully in communion with the rest of the Church. ==See also==* [[Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate]]* [[Sarum Rite]]* [[Gallican Rite]]* [[Stowe Missal]]* [[Divine Liturgy according to St. Germanus of Paris]]* [[Liturgy of St. Gregory the Great]]* [[Liturgy of St. Tikhon of Moscow]]* [[Western Rite Service Books]]* [[Liturgy of St. Tikhon (text)]]* [[Saint Petroc Monastery (Cascades, Australia)|300pxSaint Petroc Monastery]], Australia* [[Christ the Savior Monastery (Providence, Rhode Island)|Christ the Savior Monastery]], Canada* [[Vestments]]* [ St. Columba of Iona Orthodox Monastery (USA, Massachusetts)] ==Sources==* ''Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity'', pp. 364-365, 514-515* [ Introduction to the Orthodox Western Rite]* [[Wikipedia:Western Rite Orthodoxy]] ==External links==* [ Orthodox Western Rite Central Resource on WordPress]* [ Western Orthodoxy]* [ The soUnofficial Western Rite Orthodoxy Website]* [ Western Rite Vicariate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America]* [ Saint Petroc Monastery ROCOR Tasmania] * [ Christ the Savior Monastery ROCOR Rhode Island]* [ Worldwide directory of canonical Western Rite Orthodox communities]* [ Antiochian Western Rite Parishes] (North America, with links to parish sites)* [ ROCOR Western-rite Communities] (ROCOR Western-rite Communities homepage with Links to parishes) ===Liturgies===*[ “Fongregory/ Text of the Liturgy of Saint Gregory]*[ Text of the Liturgy of Saint Tikhon], though not in its authorized form.*[ Text of the Sarum Rite Liturgy] as corrected for use within [[ROCOR]] by His Grace Archbishop Hilarion *[ Text of the English Liturgy]*[ Text of the Divine Liturgy according to Saint Germanus of Paris]] *[ Office and Prayers of the Oblates of St. Benedict] (PDF) -duWestern Rite oblates.*[ Liturgical Texts Project] (PDF) -Lac CircusCompilation of numerous liturgical texts.*[ The Ordinary and Canon of the Mass], according to the Rite of St. Gregory of Great, revised 2012 translation blessed for use by Metropolitan Philip of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America.*[ The Order of the Divine Liturgy According to the Restored Ancient Roman Rite of St. Gregory the Great], authorized by the [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia]].*[ The Liturgy of the English Church], approved for Orthodox usage by the [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia]].*[ The Ordinary of the Sarum Liturgy], approved for Orthodox usage by the [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia]].*[ The Canonical Mass of the English Orthodox], by Dr. Raymond Winch, Third Edition. An academic reconstruction of the pre-schism English usage of the ancient Roman Rite. ===Books===* ''[ Children of the Promise: An Introduction to Western Rite Orthodoxy]'', by Fr. Michael Keiser. ISBN 9781418475826* ''[ Offering the Lamb: Reflections on the Western Rite Mass in the Orthodox Church]'', by Fr. Michael Keiser. ISBN 9781425970819* ''[ Liturgies of the Western Church]'', by Prof. Dr. Bard Thompson. ISBN 9780800614287* ''[ The Ancient Liturgies of the Gallican Church]'', by Rev. J. M. Neale, 1855. ''(In Latin with some English notes)'' ===Introduction and History===<!-- * [ An Introduction to Western Rite Orthodoxy]: Interview with Fr. Paul Schneirla and Fr. Michael Keiser on [ Come Receive the Light] (audio) Sent message to Seraphim Danckaert at OCN to see whether this is online. ~Magda --->* A Short History of the Western Rite Vicariate, by [ Benjamin Andersen]: [ Part 1], [ Part 2], [ Part 3], [ Part 4], [ Part 5], [ Part 6], [ Part 7], [ Part 8], [ Part 9] (permission required)* [ Occidental Orthodox Christianity] Dedicated to the furtherance of the Western Rite within canonical Orthodoxy.* [ An Introduction to Western Rite Orthodoxy], An electronic version of the now out-of-print Conciliar Press booklet; edited by Fr. Michael Trigg, Ph.D.* [ Orthodox Resurgence] Movement for Western Christians seeking reception in the Orthodox Western Rite. * [ "Observations on the American Book of Common Prayer,"] the Holy Synod of Russia's guidelines for suiting the 1892 Book of Common Prayer for celebration within Orthodoxy.*[ The Western Rite: Its Fascinating Past and Its Promising Future], by Fr. [[Alexander Turner]]*[ The Western Rite and the Eastern Church: Dr. J. J. Overbeck and his scheme for the re-establishment of the Orthodox Church in the West (PDF)], by Fr. David F. Abramtsov, University of Pittsburgh, 1959*[ On the Western Rite Edict of Metropolitan Anthony (Bashir)], by Fr. David Abramstov, in addition to an excerpt from the report of Metropolitan Anthony (Bashir) to the 1958 Archdiocesan Convention*[ Western Orthodox Christians: Who Are They?], from [[Christminster (Providence, Rhode Island)]], a Benedictine Monastery under [[ROCOR]]*[ History of Christminster]*[ What is Western-Rite Orthodoxy?], by Fr. Patrick McCauley*[ The Twain Meet], by Fr. Paul W.S. Schneirla* [ Western Rite Orthodox in our midst: Ad Fontes!], by Dr. Alexander Roman* [,9171,870973,00.html Eastern But Western], from the May 1, 1964, issue of [i]Time[/i] Magazine. ===Video===*[ Video] of Dom James Deschene celebrating Midnight Mass for Christmas 2009 at the Oratory of our Lady of Glastonbury, the chapel attached to Christminster Monastery.*[ Video] on the Western Rite from St. Paul Orthodox Church, Houston, Texas ===Apologiae===* [ Met. PHILIP (Saliba)'s Promise]: Western Rite churches will not be Byzantized.* [ Comments on the Western Rite] by Bishop [[Basil (Essey) of Wichita]]* [ Lux Occidentalis (PDF)] ''The Orthodox Western Rite and the Liturgical Tradition of Western Orthodox Christianity, with reference to The Orthodox Missal, Saint Luke's Priory Press, Stanton, NJ, 1995'' by the Rev'd John Charles Connely* [ Doctrinal Issues: Western Rite Orthodoxy], from the ''Diocesan News for Clergy and Laity'' (February 1995), Greek Orthodox Diocese of Denver* [ Western Rite Orthodoxy: Its history, its validity, and its opportunity], by Annette Milkovich, including an interview with Fr. Paul W.S. Schneirla, constituting a rough Western Rite "FAQ"* [ Occidentalis - A Weblog of Orthodox Catholic Christianity in the Western Rite tradition] (permission required)* [ On the Question of Western Orthodoxy], by Patriarch [[Sergius I (Stragorodsky) of Moscow]] in a letter to [[Vladimir Lossky]]*[http:// Dealing with Anti-WR Criticism], from the Western Orthodoxy blog. ===Criticism===* [ The Western Rite], by Fr. [[Alexander Schmemann]]* [ Notes and Comments on the "Western Rite"], ibid.* [ News: Bishop Anthony Issues Encyclical on "Western Rite"]* [ Correspondence on the Western Rite] between Bishop [[Anthony (Gergiannakis) of San Francisco]] and Fr. Paul W.S. Schneirla* [ Some Thoughts on the "Western Rite" In Orthodoxy], by Bishop [[Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia]]* [ The Western Rite - Some Final Comments], by Fr. [[Steven Peter Tsichlis]]* [ The "Western Rite": Is It Right for the Orthodox?], by Fr. Michael Johnson ===News and Views===* [ Fr. Matthew Thurman's blog, Western Rite section] (archive) - consisting primarily of original documents written by Fr. Alexander Turner and other WRV clergy.* [ Occidentalis] - maintained by Subdn. Benjamin Andersen (WRV), this blog is a source for this OrthodoxWiki entry. (permission required)* [ Western Orthodoxy] - Breaking news and views on the Western Rite.* [ Oremus - Roman Rite in the Orthodox Church] ===Listservs===* [ Western Rite Orthodoxy]: Discussion of Western Rite Orthodoxy, focusing the [[Western Rite Vicariate]] (Antiochian). Most active participants are members of the Antiochian WRV.* [ The Ely Forum]: "Dedicated to the theological and liturgical heritage of The Church in the British Isles, the ancient Patriarchates of the Undivided Church and the restoration of our genuine heritage of Orthodox Christianity in the West. A place of sane, sensible, lively, discussion between Christian gentlemen." Founded by Fr. Michael of St. Petroc Monastery (ROCOR). * [ Occidentalis]: Yahoo discussion group on the Western rite; moderated by Father Aidan (Keller).* [ Orthodoxwest]: Yahoo discussion group on Orthodoxy in the West and sponsored by the Eastern Archdiocese of the Milan Synod; moderated by Father Symeon (Bensimon-Kilmer). [[Category:Featured Articles]][[Category:Jurisdictions]][[Category:Liturgics]][[Category:Western Rite]] [[bg:Западен обряд]][[ro:Ritul occidental]]