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User talk:Chrisg

212 bytes added, 07:52, April 10, 2006
Please see [[Talk:Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Churches in Australia|the talk page for SCCOCA]]. Because there seem to be wildly differing views of SCCOCA, I have placed the views of both the [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia|GOA]] (i.e. [[User:Nstavropoulos|Nstavropoulos' edit]]) and the [[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand|AOA]] (i.e. your previous edits) in the article, and labelled as such. Thanks, --{{User:Pistevo/sig}} 05:04, April 9, 2006 (CDT)
Until I get a citation, I have taken the safer course of deleting the Antiochian comment for the moment. An official comment could be forthcoming in the near future.
chrisg 2006 April 10 1753 EAST