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Orthodox Church of France

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The '''Orthodox Church of France''' (''l'Eglise Orthodoxe de France'' or , formerly ''l'Eglise Catholique Orthodoxe Catholique de France'', a.k.a. or ''l'ECOF'') is an autonomous diocese church comprised of three dioceses of [[Western Rite]] parishes in France formed under in 1936 by the auspices of [[Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) Church of Saint-Denis|Evgraph KovalevskyRussia]] and . The Orthodox Church of France is currently neither recognized by nor in communion with any of the [[Vladimir LosskyList of autocephalous and autonomous churches|autocephalous or autonomous Orthodox Churches]]in the 1930s and 1940s.
In 1937, the [[Church of Russia]] received a small group under the former Liberal Catholic bishop, Louis-Charles (Irénée) Winnaert (1880-1937), dubbing them ''l'Eglise Orthodoxe Occidentale'' ("Western Orthodox Church"). The work Upon his repose, the leadership of Winnaert the Church was continued, though not without some occasional conflict, by turned over to [[Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) of Saint-Denis|Evgraph Kovalevsky]] (1905-1970) and . Also in the French Church were [[Denis (Chambault)|Lucien Chambault]], the latter of which who oversaw a small Orthodox [[Rule of St. Benedict|Benedictine ]] community in the rue d'Alleray in Paris (as Pére Denis). Also associated with them was , and the former Benedictine monk, Archimandrite [[Alexis van der Mensbrugghe ]] (1899-1980), who favorably viewed the restoration of the ancient Roman rite cleansed of medieval accretions and supplemented by Gallican and Byzantine interpolations. In 1948, he published his ''Liturgie Orthodoxe de Rite Occidental'' and in 1962 the ''Missel Orthodoxe Rite Occidental''.
After 1946, Fr Evgraph worked for several years on restoring the Eglise Orthodoxe de France (Orthodox Church ancient rite of France) was developed by Kovalevsky specifically with the intention to restore the ancient [[Gallican Rite|Gallican rite]]Gauls, which came to be known as the [[Divine Liturgy according to St Germanus of Paris]]. After the French Church church broke with Moscow to preserve the Western character of its liturgy, Archimandrite Alexis remained with the [[Church of Russia]] and was consecrated to the episcopacy in 1960, continuing his Western Rite work under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate.
[[Image:Kovalevsky-Maximovitch.jpg|rightleft|thumb|250px|Bp. [[Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) of Saint-Denis]] and St. [[John Maximovitch]] in 1964]]After some years of isolation, Kovalevsky's group came under the [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia]] between 1959 and 1966, and Kovalevsky himself was consecrated with the title of Bishop [[Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) of Saint-Denis|Jean-Nectaire de Saint-Denis]] in 1964. During this time, the Eglise Orthodoxe de France received considerable encouragement from St. [[John Maximovitch]] (who was ROCOR's representative in Western Europe at the time), and his death in 1966 was a serious blow to these French Orthodox Christians, who had enjoyed an influential and holy advocate in St. John.
Meanwhile, the Moscow Patriarchate's Western rite withered and came to an end, but Bishop Jean's church continued to thrive, though after St. John's death in 1966, they were again isolated from the other Churcheschurches. Bishop Jean died in 1970, and then in 1972 the [[Church of Romania]] took the Eglise Orthodoxe de France under its [[omophorion]]. Gilles Bertrand-Hardy was consecrated as Bishop [[Germain (Bertrand-Hardy) of Saint-Denis|Germain de Saint-Denis]], and the restored Gallican rite became the regular liturgy used in the many small French Orthodox [[parish]]es established throughout France. The full splendor of that liturgy can be seen in the Cathedral of St. Irénée in Boulevard Auguste-Blanqui in Paris. In 1994, after a lengthy conflict with the Romanian Holy Synod regarding alleged canonical irregularities, the Church again found itself in canonical limbo with the deposition of Bishop Germain and the withdrawal of Romania's protection for the Church. The Romanian patriarchate established a [[deanery]] under Bishop Germain's brother Archpriest Gregoire to minister to those parishes which chose to stay with Romania.
Ten In 1993, after a long conflict with the Romanian holy synod regarding canonical irregularities, the Romanian Synod withdrew its blessing from and broke communion with the church, which again found itself in isolation from other Orthodox Churches. The Romanian patriarchate established a [[deanery]] under Bishop Germain's brother Archpriest Gregoire to minister to those parishes formed by the priests and laity that did not wish chose to remain under stay with Romania.  In 2001, after the scandal caused by the revelation inside the Church of the deposed marriage of Bishop Germain in 1995 (which was later legally annulled), some priests and parishes led by Archpriest Jean-Pierre Pahud left the Church of France and presumably did not want to remain with Romania) formed the ''Union des Associations Cultuelles Orthodoxes de Rite Occidental'' (UACORO) (the Union of Western Rite Orthodox Worship Associations) and began negotiations with . Many of these have subsequently been received on an individual basis into the Church of Serbia in 2006. In the same year, the independent [[Orthodox Church of Serbiathe Gauls]] to be taken was formed by a group that years earlier had left the Church of France and come under its omophorionthe Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. Talks officially began in September  ===Diocesan structure===*[[Diocese of Paris - Saint-Denis]]*[[Diocese of 2004.Rhône-Méditerranée]]*[[ of Aquitaine]] The intended outcome  ==Episcopacy=====Diocesan bishops===* Monseigneur Germain, Archbishop of Saint-Denis (Diocese of these negotiations is that the UACORO be accepted as part Paris-Saint-Denis), Primate of the Church .* Monseigneur Cassien, Bishop of Serbia's Marseille (Diocese of France the Rhone and Western EuropeMediterranean.* Monseigneur Benoit, Bishop of Pau (Diocese of Aquitaine) .[http ==Sources==*Vincent Bourne, ''La divine contradiction://wwwl'avenir catholique orthodoxe de la France'' (1975).spcISBN 9782850800030.yu/VestiBourne was the ''nom-2004/12/14de-12plume'' of Madmae Yvonne Winnaert (1907-041997, the widow of Louis-Charles (Irénée) Winnaert. *Maxime Kovalevsky, ''Orthodoxie et Occident: renaissance d'une Eglise locale'' (1994).html]ISBN 9782908986297
==External links==
*[ l'Eglise Orthodoxe de France] (Official Website - French)*[ Eglise Catholique Orthodoxe de France] (French)*[http:com/~forum/www.spc.orgviewtopic.yuphp?t=851&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60/Vesti-2005/03/10-3-05-e.html Pre-Paschal letter A bulletin board discussion on the Church of Bishop Atanasije France (Jevtic) anachronistically referred to the UACORO]as "ECOF", [[March 8in French)]], 2005 
[[Category:Western Rite]]
[[Category:Orthodoxy in France]]