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Gallican Rite

4 bytes added, 16:20, March 30, 2006
20th century history
==20th century history==
In the early 20th century, the Russian emigré community in Paris included a number of clergy who were mindful of evangelization in the West. Among that number were a pair of brothers, Evgraph (later Bishop [[Jean-Nectaire (Kovalevsky) of Saint-Denis|Jean-Nectaire of Saint-Denis]]) and Maxime Kovalevsky. The Kovalevskys restored the Gallican liturgy based upon the two letters concerning the liturgy whose authorshship is ascribed to St Germanus, a sixth century bishop of Paris, as well as various Gallican and other non-Roman missals (Stowe, Bobbio, Gothic, Mozarab, Autun). The [[Divine Liturgy according to St Germanus of Paris ]] is still in use with [[Orthodox Church of France|L'Eglise Orthodoxe de France]] as well as the Union Actuelle Orthodoxe Catholique Francaise, which is now in talks to join the [[Church of Serbia|Patriarchate of Serbia]]. The rite has been used by communities under the [[Church of Russia]], the [[Russian Orthodox Church Abroad]], the [[Church of Romania]], and the Coptic Patriarchate of Alexandria.