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Orthodox Blogs

114 bytes added, 02:19, December 3, 2014
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<!-- * [ Parrhesia] - "Freedom or frankness in speaking; saying freely all that one thinks." --->
<!-- * [ Pensate Omnia (Weigh all Things)] "Orthodox faith; language and literature; ideas in science, politics, history, art and poetry; whatever I find edifying or fun, these things I hope to write about and explore by posting thoughts, papers, links etc." -->
*[ A Place of Verdure]
<!-- * [ Pleroma] "Setting forth and defending the Apostolic Tradition"-->
* [ Praying with My Feet]
<!-- * [ Sunday to Sunday] - "an online journal that chronicles my communion with Christ and His church." -->
* [ That Which Is Bread]
* [ Things I Think About]
<!-- * [ This is Life: Revolutions Around the Cruciform Axis] - by Clifton Healy, an "Orthodox wannabe"-->
* [ This Side of Glory]