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Timeline of Church History (Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453))

108 bytes added, 16:32, August 11, 2012
Post-Roman Schism (1054-1453): 1411
*1391-98 Ottoman Turks unsuccessfully besiege Constantinople for the first time.
*1410 Iconographer [[Andrei Rublev]] paints his most famous icon depicting the three angels who appeared to Abraham and Sarah, the angels being considered a type of the [[Holy Trinity|Holy Trinity]].
*1411 Death of [[Niphon of Mount Athos]], proponent of [[Hesychasm|hesychastic]] theology and wonderworker.
*1414-18 Council of Constance in Roman Catholic Church represents high point for [[w:Conciliarism|Conciliar Movement]] over authority of pope.
*1417 End of Western Great Schism at the [[Council of Constance]].