This site seems to be an excellent resource for fleshing out these articles. —magda (talk) 17:56, January 31, 2008 (PST)
- Thanks I will keep it as a source when pulling these articles together. Just bare in mind, it takes time to bring the information into each article so the fact I have created them but they are blank does not mean I will leave them empty for long ... it will take about a week or so overall ... and then people editing should come in and 'add to' the articles. The other thing with the Antiochian site is that it lists the article but it does not show the original icon ... my aim is to locate the origin of the name with the original icon and then identify the copies that exist around the world. Another thing to keep in mind is that in iconography of the Theotokos ... it is more predominant to name the icon PANAGIA .... I notice that the Antiochian churches approach is Our Lady of .. or Virgin Mary ... or Theotokos ... I am repeating myself again but to start the articles in this way is technically not correct. The other thing is that Our Lady and Virgin Mary are third person and impersonal ...whereas articles or names of icons should preference Panagia firstly or Theotokos since these are personal and intimate and the way the Mother wants to be called. -- Vasiliki 18:15, January 31, 2008 (PST)