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St. Volodymyr's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral (Toronto, Ontario)

Revision as of 03:24, July 19, 2006 by AKCGY (talk | contribs)

St. Volodymyr's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral is a Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located on Bathurst Street just to the east of Kensington Market. The majority of the first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada were Eastern Rite believers with only a small fraction belonging to the Eastern Orthodox faith. This changed with later waves of immigration that saw more people coming from the Orthodox east. The first Ukrainian Orthodox in Toronto was established in 1926. For several years they met in rented halls and in churches of other denominations. The land on Bathurst was purchased in 1935 and work on the cathedral began in 1946 and it was completed two years later. The cathedral is in the standard Byzantine style used throughout Ukraine. [edit]


The Bishops that had there Cathedral seat here in Toronto included:

+His Beatitude, Metropolitan Michael (Khoroshy)

+His Eminence, Archbishop Mykola (Nicholas)

+His Beatitude, Metropolitan Wasyly (actually resided in Winnipeg, due to the ailing health of His Beatitude Metropolitan Andrew)

His Eminence, Archbishop Yurij (Archbishop Yurij lives and serves Toronto and the East, but remains bishop of Saskatoon in name due to the Greek Metropolis (also united with Constantinople) having their headquarters in Toronto)