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Current events

Revision as of 22:07, October 30, 2015 by Katjuscha (talk | contribs) (new events)


Please use this page to post information and links to upcoming conferences or other events of interest to the Orthodox communities. Entries will be removed after they have taken place. If you'd like to report on a conference or event that has already taken place, you may simply move the entry to its own page and expand it.



October 2015


Speaking to Secular America: How the Church is Reaching out to the Non-Religious in Our Society Hellenic College Holy Cross Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity; Brookline, Massachusetts; Registration ends 18 October.

November 2015


Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology & Religion Caregivers as Confessors & Healers Boston, Massachusetts


Orthodox Institute Adult Education - Building on the Foundation of Faith; Ligonier, Pennsylvania (Antiochian Village)


Martha & Mary Maternity House Inaugural Dinner Come support the opening of a home for moms-to-be who need shelter & support. Ticket sales end 3 November 2015 Des Plaines (northwest suburban Chicago), Illinois


Doxacon Prime Doxacon meets Harry Potter; Washington DC; Registration through 31 October

December 2015


OCF College Conference Modern Martyrs: Witnesses to the Word; West - St. Nicholas Ranch; Dunlap, CA; East - Antiochian Village; Bolivar, PA

January 2016


Orthodox Christian Camp Association Conference Feed My Sheep: Crisis, Trauma, and Everyday Life; Dallas, TX

April 2016


St. Emmelia Homeschooling Conference 2016 Antiochian Village; Bolivar, Pennsylvania; Registration not yet open (as of 29 Sept 2015)

June 2016


Orthodox Christian Studies Center Presents the Patterson Triennial Conference Secularization, Fundamentalism: Orthodox/Catholic Encounters; Fordham University; New York, New York;

July 2016


Fellowship of Orthodox Christians (FOCA) 90th annual conference Chicago, Illinois

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