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Olga of Alaska

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[[Image:Bem-aventurada_Olga.jpg|thumb|right|Holy Matushka Olga of Alaska]]
'''Saint Olga of Alaska''' (1916-1979), also known as Olinka, was a [[priest]]'s wife from Kwethluk village, on the Kuskokwim River in Alaska who lived a life of Christian humility and charity. Saint Olga was glorified in 2023, and her memory is commemorated on [[November 10]].
== External Links ==
[http Blessed Olga headline-news/matushka-olgas-relics-uncovered-in-kwethluk-ak Uncovering of Alaska: Northern Light the Relics of God's Holy Church] includes icon-style egg-tempera paintings of Matushka Olga suitable for personal veneration]