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Eusebios (Pantanassiotis)

43 bytes added, 02:35, November 2, 2011
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'''Eusebios (Pantanassiotis)''' is the second abbot of the [[Monastery of Pantanassa (Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales)|Pantanassa Monastery]] on Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales, Australia from 1995-2010, where he residessucceeding Fr. [[Stephanos (Pantanassiotis)|Stephanos]] in 2011.
On December 10, 2010, the former abbot of the monastery, Fr. [[Stephanos (Pantanassiotis)|Stephanos]] participated in the tonsure of Fr. Eusebios, by Fr. Theodore, Abbot of the ancient monastery of Panagia Molivdoskepasti in Konitsa, Greece. Fr Eusebios succeeded Fr Stephanos as abbot of Pantanassa Monastery, with Fr Stephanos being co-sponsor at Fr Eusebios' September 17, 2011 enthronement.
[[Category:History of Australia]]