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Timeline of Church History

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*68 Suicide of Emperor Nero.
*69 St. [[Ignatius of Antioch]] consecrated to the [[bishop|episcopacy]] in Antioch.
*70 [[Apostle Mark]] writes his [[Gospel of Mark|Gospel]]; the Temple in Jerusalem is destroyed by the Romans; expulsion of the Christians from the synagogues; Johanan Ben Zacchai founds a college at Jamnia, which became the seat of the Sanhedrin and the religious centre of Judaism from A.D. 70-135, enabling the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism.
*71 [[Apostle Mark]] introduces Christianity to Egypt.
*75 Judea, Galilea and Samaria are renamed ''Palaestina'' by the Romans.
*80 [[Gospel of Luke]] written by the [[Apostle Luke]]; Jewish historian (and former general) [[Josephus]] writes the ''Antiquities''.
*85 [[Acts of the Apostles]] is composed by the [[Apostle Luke]].
*90 [[w:Council of Jamnia|Council of Jamnia (Javneh)]] marks the final separation and distinction between the Jewish and Christian communities, including rejection of the [[Septuagint]] or [[w:Koine Greek|Koine Greek]] Old Testament widely then in use among the Hellenized Jewish diaspora.
*95 [[Apostle John]] writes the [[Book of Revelation]].
*96-98 Persecution of Christians under Emperor Domitian.
*301 St. [[Gregory the Illuminator]] converts King Tiridates I of Armenia to the Christian faith.
*304 [[Alban]], protomartyr of Britain, killed by Roman authorities.
*310 Armenia becomes the first Christian nation; Persecution of Christians under Persian King [[w:Shapur II|Shapur II]] (310-379).
*311 Rebellion of the [[Donatism|Donatists]] in Carthage.
*312 Conversion of [[Constantine the Great]], who defeats Maxentius at the [[Battle of Milvian Bridge]] and becomes Emperor of the West.
*328 [[Athanasius the Great]] becomes bishop of Alexandria.
*329 St. [[Athanasius of Alexandria|Athanasius]] ordains St. [[Frumentius]] (Abba Selama) to the [[priest]]hood and commissions him to apostolic work in Ethiopia.
*330 Constantinople is founded as the Christian capital of the Roman Empire; Amoun and [[Macarius the Great]] found monasteries in the Egyptian desert.
*336 St [[Athanasius the Great]] of Alexandria goes into exile in Treves until 338. He told the Europeans about the rule of St [[Pachomius the Great]], thus awakening interest in [[monasticism]] in Europe
*340 Conversion of [[Wulfila]] to [[Arianism]], subsequently missionizing the Goths with his heretical doctrine.
*380 Christianity established as the official faith of the Roman Empire by Emperor St. [[Theodosius the Great]].
*381 [[Second Ecumenical Council]] held in Constantinople, condemning [[Pneumatomachianism|Macedonianism/Pneumatomachianism]] and [[Appollinarianism]], declaring the divinity of the Holy Spirit, confirming the previous [[Ecumenical Council]], and completing the [[Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed]].
*386 The monastery of ''[[w:Sümela Monastery|Panagia Soumela]]'' (386-1922) is consecrated in Trebizond, Pontus, Asia Minor, after the wonderworking icon of the Virgin Mary of Soumela, believed to have been painted by the [[Apostle Luke]], appeared at Mt. Melas. (see 1952).
*395 St. [[Augustine of Hippo|Augustine]] becomes bishop of Hippo.
*398 St. [[John Chrysostom]] becomes [[Archbishop]] of Constantinople.
*488 Death of Peter the Fuller, the non-Chalcedonian Patriarch of Antioch.
*490 St. [[Brigid of Kildaire|Brigid]] founds the monastery of Kildare in Ireland.
*ca.500 [[w:Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite|Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite]] writes ''The Mystical Theology''.
*521 St. [[Columba of Iona|Columba]] is born.
*529 Pagan University of Athens closed and replaced by Christian university in Constantinople.
*626 [[Akathist|Akathist Hymn]] is created, an extensive lyric poem of unparalleled beauty, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The Hymn was first chanted in the thanksgiving services following the victory of the Byzantine people after the [[w:Sieges of Constantinople|first siege of Constantinople]] by Avars and Sassanid Persians on August 8, 626.
*627 Pope St. [[Gregory the Dialogist]] sends Paulinus to found the see of York and convert King St. [[Edwin of Northumbria]].
*627 Emperor [[Heraclius]] conquers the Persian capital Ctesiphon recovering the [[True Cross]], with religious celebrations in Jerusalem and the Second [[Elevation of the Holy Cross]].
*635 Founding of [[Lindisfarne]] Monastery by St. [[Aidan of Lindisfarne|Aidan]], a monk from [[Iona]]; Cynegils, king of Wessex, converts to Christianity.
*636 Capture of [[Jerusalem]] by the Muslim Arabs.
*698 Muslim conquest of Carthage.
*710 Pope [[Constantine of Rome|Constantine]] (708-715) visits Constantinople in 710, the last time a Pope would visit the city until the visit of Pope Paul VI to Istanbul in 1967; Emperor [[Justinian II]] kisses the Pope's foot.
*ca.715 Manuscript of the [[Lindisfarne Gospels]] is produced in Northumbria (Northern England), regarded as the finest example of the kingdom's Hiberno-Saxon or Insular art.
*716 Monastery at [[Iona]] conforms to Roman liturgical usage.
*716 St. [[Boniface]]'s first missionary journey to Frisia.
*754 Death of St. [[Boniface]], Apostle of Germany.
*787 [[Seventh Ecumenical Council]] is held in Nicea, condemning [[iconoclasm]] and affirming the [[veneration]] of [[iconography|icons]], declaring that worship is due to God alone, and that the honor paid to icons passes to its prototype.
*793 Sack of [[Lindisfarne]]; Viking attacks on England begin.*800 [[Charlemagne]] is crowned as Holy Roman Emperor by [[Leo III of Rome]] on [[Christmas]] day; The [[Book of Kells]] is produced in Ireland, an ornately illustrated manuscript produced by Celtic monks in the style known as Insular art.
*800 Ambassadors of Caliph Harunu r-Rashid give keys to the [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Holy Sepulcher]] to the Frankish king Charlemagne, thus acknowledging some Frankish control over the interests of Christians in Jerusalem.
*793 Sack of [[Lindisfarne]]; Viking attacks on England begin.
*826 St. [[Ansgar]] arrives in Denmark and begins preaching; King Harald Klak of Denmark converts to Christianity.
*ca. 829-842 Icon of the Virgin Mary-[[Portaitissa]] appears on [[Mount Athos]] near [[Iviron Monastery]].
*1259 Byzantines defeat Latin Principality of Achaea at the [[w:Battle of Pelagonia|Battle of Pelagonia]] in September of 1259, marking the beginning of the Byzantine recovery of Greece.
*1261 End of Latin occupation of Constantinople and restoration of Orthodox patriarchs.
*1261 Emperor [[Michael VIII Palaiologos]] made the city of [[w:Mystras|Mystras]] the seat of the new [[w:Despotate of Morea|Despotate of Morea]], where a Byzanatine renaissance occured.
*1268 Egyptian Mamelukes capture Antioch.
*1275 Patriarch of Constantinople [[John XI Beccus of Constantinople|John XI Beccus]] (1275-1282), was elected to replace Patriarch [[Joseph I Galesiotes of Constantinople|Joseph I Galesiotes]] (1267-1275) who had abdicated early in 1275 due to his opposition to the [[Council of Lyon]] (1274). Patriarch Bekkos was a controversial figure and the chief Greek advocate of the reunion of the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.
*ca.1280 The [[w:Kebra Nagast|Kebra Nagast]], or ''Book of the Glory of Kings'' is compiled, the repository of Ethiopian national and religious feelings.
*1291 Fall of Acre. End of crusading in the Holy Land.
*1302 Papal Bull ''[[w:Unam sanctum|Unam Sanctum]]'' issued on November 18, 1302 by Pope Boniface VIII proclaims Papal supremacy.
*1333 [[Gregory Palamas]] (1296-1359) defends the Orthodox practice of [[hesychasm|hesychast spirituality]] and the use of the [[Jesus Prayer]].
*1336 [[Meteora]] in Greece is established as a center of Orthodox [[monasticism]].
*1338 [[Gregory Palamas]] (1296-1359) writes ''Triads in Defense of the Holy Hesychasts'', defending the Orthodox practice of [[hesychasm|hesychast spirituality]] and the use of the [[Jesus Prayer]].
*1341-47 Byzantine civil war between John VI Cantacuzenus (1347–54) and John V Palaeologus (1341–91).
*1341-1351 Three sessions of the [[Ninth Ecumenical Council]] held in Constantinople, affirming the [[hesychasm|hesychastic]] theology of St. [[Gregory Palamas]] and condemning the rationalistic philosophy of [[Barlaam of Calabria]].
*1503 [[Church of Russia#Non-Possessors|Possessor and Non-Possessor controversy]].
*1517 [[Maximus the Greek]] invited to Russia to translate Greek service books and correct Russian ones; Martin Luther nails his ''Ninety-Five Theses'' to the door at Wittenburg, sparking Protestant Reformation; Ottomans conquer Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria.
*1522 With Martin Luther's translation of the New Testament in German, the principle of “[[w:Sola scriptura|Sola Scriptura]]” - Scripture alone - became the formal principle of the faith, the final authority for all matters of faith and doctrine for Protestants.
*1526 Non-Possessors attack Tsar Vassily (Basil) III for divorcing his wife, and are driven underground.
*1534 King Henry VIII declares himself supreme head of the Church of England.
*1596 At the [[Union of Brest-Litovsk]], several million Ukrainian and Byelorussian Orthodox Christians, living under Polish rule, leave the [[Church of Russia]] and recognize the Pope of Rome, without giving up their Byzantine liturgy and customs, creating the [[Uniate]] church.
*1627 Pope [[Cyril Lukaris]] of Alexandria presented the famous [[Codex Alexandrinus]] to King Charles I of England for "safe keeping."
*1633 Ethiopian emperor [[w:Fasilides of Ethiopia|Fasilides]] (1632-67) expelled the Jesuits and other Roman Catholic missionaries from Ethiopia.
*1642 The [[Council of Jassy]] (Iaşi) revises [[Peter Mogila]]'s confession to remove overtly Roman Catholic theology and confirms canonicity of certain deuterocanonical books.
*1647 Orthodox church erected in Tunisia.
*1933 [[Church of Greece]] bans [[Freemasonry]].
*1934 Daniel William Alexander travels to Kenya, and establishes African Orthodox Church led by Arthur Gathuna.
*1935 Critical edition of the [[Septuagint]], ''"Septuaginta,"'' is published in Gottingen Germany by Alfred Rahlfs at the Septuaginta-Unternehmens (Institute). *1935-40 Italian forces occupy Ethiopia and begin intermittent persecutions of the [[Church of Ethiopia|Ethiopian Orthodox Church]].*1936-37 Many Russian Orthodox Clerics die in Joseph Stalin’s ‘[[w:Great Purge|Great Purge]]’.
*1937 [[Church of Constantinople]] recognizes the [[autocephaly]] of the [[Church of Albania]].
*1938 [[St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Crestwood, New York)]] and [[St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary (South Canaan, Pennsylvania)]] founded; death of St. [[Silouan the Athonite]].
*ca. 1941-45 Croatian [[w:Ustaše|Ustasa]] terrorists kill 500,000 Orthodox Serbs, expelled 250,000 and force 250,000 to convert to [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholicism]].
*1943 [[Church of Russia]] recognizes [[autocephaly]] of the [[Church of Georgia]]; first constitution of the African Orthodox Church in East Africa signed by Reuben Spartas and Arthur Gathuna; Joseph Stalin met with hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church to establish a “patriotic union” - concessions were granted to the church, including the gathering of the holy synod and the election of [[Sergius I (Stragorodsky) of Moscow|Sergius I]] as Patriarch of Moscow (1943-44).
*1945 [[Church of Bulgaria]]'s [[autocephaly]] generally recognized; library of early Christian texts is discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt; Soviet Union annexes Czechoslovakia; [[Church of Russia]] claims jurisdiction over the [[Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia]].
*1946 Reuben Spartas of the African Orthodox Church visits Alexandria. The Holy Synod of the [[Church of Alexandria]] officially recognises and accepts the African Greek Orthodox Church in Kenya and Uganda.
*1997 Visit by Ecumenical Patriarch [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople]] to US; establishment of dioceses of Bukoba, Madagascar, Ghana and Nigeria.
*1998 [[Church of Constantinople]], not recognizing Russia's right to issue a [[tomos]] of [[autocephaly]] in 1951, issues its own tomos for the [[Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia]].
*1999 In Kosovo and Metohia more than 70 Serbian Orthodox shrines, churches and monasteries are destroyed and desecrated under the watch of NATO's Kosovo Force KFOR, UN civil administration, and numerous humanitarian organizations, from June to October 1999; The ''[ Orthodox New Testament]''is first published, including detailed patristic references, translated from the original Greek authorized text - authorized version (1904/1912) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, (5th ed.2005).
*2000 The eighth Joint Theological Commission session met in Baltimore, U.S.A., and discussed a text on ''The Ecclesiological and Canonical Implications of Uniatism'', but is suspended.
*2001 [[Fourth Crusade#Papal Apology to Orthodox Church|Papal Apology to Orthodox Church]].