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=== Late Submissions ===
Dear Friends,
Hey. I think I'm still going to submit one today. I thought submissions were due today. I guess this will probably affect any votes I would receive because I know some have already voted. Can I still submit? {{User:Joe Rodgers/sig}} 14:40, November 15, 2005 (CST)
'''I'd like to thank everyone once again for their submissions. I'm grateful for all the time and effort people put into this. I'm also encouraged by seeing everyone's enthusiam for OrthodoxWiki. I wish I could award everyone a prize!'''
Joe, it's just after midnight here, but go ahead and submit it. I'd love to see it. [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]] 00:05, November 16, 2005 (CST)
It's nice to see something of a consensus emerging with regard to [[User:HappyGrevling|HappyGrevling]]'s "SealLogo1." I concur with this judgment. I think it looks dignified and professional, while capturing the Orthodox character and international scope of OrthodoxWiki. It's challenging to produce not only something that is of professional qulity, but also something which really captures the mission.
:Father, this was earlier in the day. My submissions can be seen on the logos page. Joe.
My only hesitation is that I'd love to see it brightened up a bit, especially the greenish band behind the letters. We could definitely work with it as is, though. According to [[User:Joe Rodgers|Joe]]'s suggestion, I'd also like to ask if [[User:HappyGrevling|H.G.]] would be willing to donate the black and white version for use on letterhead.
===Please voice your opinions or cast your votes about the logos!===
I'd like to give runner-up recognition to a number of others too:
* I'd like to ask [[User:Baker]] if he would be willing to donate his logos for possible use as a decoration for future printed publications.
* I'd like to ask [[User:Rublevpupil]] if he would be willing to donate his logos, especially #2 for use as a promotional link button.
* I would like to suggest that [[User:Raphael]] make his first logo available to the fledgling [http://www.copticwiki CopticWiki] if they are interested.
* I'd also like to ask "a friend of Magda" if he'd be willing to donate "DEOWlogo2.png" as a possible link button as well.
Which one is your favorite and why?
Of course, if anyone else would like to formally donate their logos to OrthodoxWiki, we'd love to be keep them on hand for any future use. We don't want OWiki's visual identity to become too dispersed, but who knows what will come up?
Do you have ideas for logos you don't have the technical know-how to create?
Thanks again to everybody! Yours in Christ, [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]] 14:19, November 16, 2005 (CST)
P.S. Inspired by [[User:Joe_Rodgers|Joe]]'s four-fold description of OrthodoxWiki, I've added a couple bullet points to [[OrthodoxWiki:About]].
At some point, could there be a no-more-submissions-please-vote kinda thing?  Perhaps people aren't voting because they may think something better will come along soon... -- [[User:Pistevo|oea]] 19:46, 23 Oct 2005 (EDT)
:Hi oea, I think that's a good idea. Already, I've put up a note that submissions will stay open through Nov. 13th. I don't think we'll go much beyond that. The deadline will prob. be soon after that. I'll prominently announce it once it gets closer to the date, then we'll have some time to decide together. [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]]
== Any matching OrthodoxWiki Favicon? ==
Personally, I think the best submission is HappyGrevling's SealLogo1.jpg (round with world behind the cross). I think it looks very nice and encompasses the world Orthodox feel I think we want, e.g. not only American. I think the black and white version would also look nice on letterhead. I will readily admit that I did base my budded-cross idea on his (It took me a while to do this with a vector-based program). Other than that, I thought several of them were great, but a number looked either a.) too ethnic or b.) too unprofessional. two cents {{User:Joe Rodgers/sig}} 23:04, November 15, 2005 (CST)
This is now fully supported in Internet Explorer 7 (not just when you bookmark a page, but also in the tabs and address bar).
:OK, I've decided to be a little more specific about the ones I like. I don't like HappyGrevling's silver-cross-logo.png. Don't ask why I just don't. I thought Magda's friends work were very nice. I do like a more square look for the Wiki logo and I thought these rectangular logos wouldn't work. Baker's were very nice. Simple. Maybe too simple for some. Rublevpupil's submissions were nice, especially Rublevpupillogo2.jpg, although these too were rectangular.
[ Favicons] must be valid ico files, or images which can later be converted into ico files, and have a size of 16x16 [].
:I like mine too. Aside from the fact that I am very (unfairly I am sure) late. I still don't like mine because a couple of the words are upside-down and I couldn't manage to convey the words OrthodoxWiki like I wanted to. I chose the quatrefoil because I felt it could symbolically represent the words shown and give the logo a sense of balance. {{User:Joe Rodgers/sig}} 23:40, November 15, 2005 (CST)
== Votes ==
--[[User:Arbible|Arbible]] 16:05, November 16, 2005 (CST)
Since I'm going to be away at the close of submissions (and probably the close of voting), I submit my vote as the first logo by HappyGrevling (world, with cross superimposed, with scroll around it); with big thumbs up to his other two.  -- [[User:Pistevo|oea]] 00:23, 31 October 2005 (CST)
:Yep, I was thinking about that too. If you'd like to submit something that's great. Not sure what the best approach would be to reducing the new logo to 16 x 16! If we come up with something nice, I'll stick it into the new [[OrthodoxWiki:Searching#The_OrthodoxWiki_Searchbar|Firefox searchbar extension]] too! [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]]
:Sorry for fuzziness - the vote went to ScrollLogo, "big thumbs up" referred to SealLogo1 and 2. -- [[User:Pistevo|oea]] 00:09, 3 November 2005 (CST)
Gotcha, thanks Pistevo! [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]]
:P.S. I just submitted this to Mozilla for inclusion in the Firefox search plugins page (
:P.P.S. Hey! It's already up there -- cool! (See
:P.P.P.S. Hey, thanks for the WikiCities Logo Contest link. I had no idea other wiki projects were doing this kind of thing.
HappyGrevling has submitted a potential winner, I think - I mean his most recent one, with the cross lying diagonally . My vote goes to this one. - [[User:Guldfisken|Guldfisken]] 11:12, 3 November 2005 (CST)
::''> If you'd like to submit something that's great''
::Thanks Father and congratulations on the new look! I would receive a blessing by doing so, but I am not a graphic designer (you can tell from my very humble contributions sent to you some weeks ago via a 'logo submission' Hotmail account: the anonymous [ OOO WWW Logo] and [ Circle Logos] :-).
::I can resize the current logo to 16X16 in PaintShop Pro, but as you have rightly mentioned, this won't produce good results. Perhaps HappyGrevling can quickly design a 16X16 ''matching'' icon with just the circle and the cross inside it (and maybe also using fewer colours)? Microsoft and other interested parties provide detailed guidelines on how to produce such "miniature" versions by reducing icon detail and focusing on distinguishing features, etc. (for Windows XP and the forthcoming Vista, but the same principles would apply to favicons)
::I personally liked Baker's second icon for its elegance and simplicity, and the way it uses different shades of the same colours. However, I think HappyGrevling's winning logo "''really captures the mission''" of OrthodoxWiki in a far better way than any of the other submissions.
::With my prayerful best wishes, --[[User:Arbible|Arbible]] 18:23, November 16, 2005 (CST)
:Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I agree that there were a lot of excellent logo submisisons. I just created and uploaded a .png image we could use as a favicon (not sure how to make it a .ico). - [[User:HappyGrevling|HappyGrevling]]
I think I like the simplicity of the first one by [[User:Baker|Baker]]. (I'm attempting to put everyone's votes visually together [[User:Magda/Logo votes|here]]; please let me know if I get something wrong.  {{User:Magda/sig}} 07:54, November 15, 2005 (CST)
::The following png2ico converter program might help:
::Thank you very much. In Christ, --[[User:Arbible|Arbible]] 15:59, November 17, 2005 (CST)
OK, I know it's probably lame to vote for my own logo, but hey, that's why I designed it the way I did -- because I like it! My vote goes to the Silver Cross logo (my 5th submission), with the gold-cross-world logo and the first Seal logo tied for second. - [[User:HappyGrevling|Happy Grevling]]
I have successfully converted your file using the above tool, but the system won't allow me to upload it. You can retrieve it from (right-click to save):
I vote for HappyGrevling's logo #1. I like it becuase it is 3-D and is dynamic. --Tanyechka
(It should be copied to the root folder of OrthodoxWiki.)
My vote is for HappyGrevling's 3rd logo. [[User:Joffridus|Joffridus]] 12:47, November 15, 2005 (CST)
God Bless.
=== Votes:Danny ===
::Thanks everyboyd. I'll work on this soon. [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]]
Although I would like to vote for my own logos, It would be a waste of a contest if the nicest looking one(s) were't accepted. Don't get me wrong, they are all nice, but I would have to go with HappyGrevling's one (the slanted 3d cross with '' over it in a curve style. I'd just have to go with that one. God Bless Everyone -- [[User:Danny]] 00:23, 15 November 2005
=== Votes:Constantine ===
''OK. Finally figured this out -- the .htaccess file was interfering with the template accessing the favicon. Anyway, I also downloaded a free little program called [ Iconomaker] in order the make the background transparent instead of white. Finally, I've changed the icon for Firefox/Mycroft search plugin too (using a transparent .gif), and sent an update to the Mozilla site. You may have to clear your browser's cache to see the new favicon. If you already have the search plugin enabled and want the new icon, you have to find your Firefox/Mozilla profile and delere the OrthodoxWiki entries in the "searchplugins" folder. If you don't have it already, why not? You can get it from [ here].
I like Baker 1 and 2 and also BeHappyGrevling 2,3 and 4. My personal preference is Baker 2, but I vote for BeHappyGrevling 3. [[User:Constantine]] 16:23 Bulgarian Time, 15 November 2005
:''I'm very happy that we have so many great logos to choose from. We'll close the submissions formally at midnight, but it's great if people's votes keep rolling in before that. [[User:FrJohn|Fr. John]] 10:41, November 15, 2005 (CST)
=== Votes:Katjuscha ===
I think my #1 vote would go to [[User:HappyGrevling]] #3 - it looks very professional, and it has the internet address integrated into it. I also like [[User:HappyGrevling]] #1, #2, and #5, [[User:Rublevpupil]] #2, and [[User:Raphael]] #2.  [[User:Katjuscha|Katjuscha]] 17:06, November 15, 2005 (CST)
=== Vote:Vandrona ===
I think I'd go for HappyGrevling 5 [[User:Vandrona|Vandrona]]
=== Vote:[[User:Joe Rodgers|Joe Rodgers]] ===
I personally vote for HappyGrevling's SealLogo1.gif. Excellent work!
Yeah, maybe you're right about the silver cross logo, Joe. The more I think about it, it seems just a little odd that the cross is lying down. Something doesn't seem quite right about it. The cross should be a sign of victory, not defeat. Maybe the seal's better. But I can't even tell anymore! I'm too close to the project I guess!  -H.G.

Latest revision as of 20:36, November 19, 2005

 Note: Previous discussion has been archived

Dear Friends,

I'd like to thank everyone once again for their submissions. I'm grateful for all the time and effort people put into this. I'm also encouraged by seeing everyone's enthusiam for OrthodoxWiki. I wish I could award everyone a prize!

It's nice to see something of a consensus emerging with regard to HappyGrevling's "SealLogo1." I concur with this judgment. I think it looks dignified and professional, while capturing the Orthodox character and international scope of OrthodoxWiki. It's challenging to produce not only something that is of professional qulity, but also something which really captures the mission.

My only hesitation is that I'd love to see it brightened up a bit, especially the greenish band behind the letters. We could definitely work with it as is, though. According to Joe's suggestion, I'd also like to ask if H.G. would be willing to donate the black and white version for use on letterhead.

I'd like to give runner-up recognition to a number of others too:

  • I'd like to ask User:Baker if he would be willing to donate his logos for possible use as a decoration for future printed publications.
  • I'd like to ask User:Rublevpupil if he would be willing to donate his logos, especially #2 for use as a promotional link button.
  • I would like to suggest that User:Raphael make his first logo available to the fledgling CopticWiki if they are interested.
  • I'd also like to ask "a friend of Magda" if he'd be willing to donate "DEOWlogo2.png" as a possible link button as well.

Of course, if anyone else would like to formally donate their logos to OrthodoxWiki, we'd love to be keep them on hand for any future use. We don't want OWiki's visual identity to become too dispersed, but who knows what will come up?

Thanks again to everybody! Yours in Christ, Fr. John 14:19, November 16, 2005 (CST)

P.S. Inspired by Joe's four-fold description of OrthodoxWiki, I've added a couple bullet points to OrthodoxWiki:About.

Any matching OrthodoxWiki Favicon?

This is now fully supported in Internet Explorer 7 (not just when you bookmark a page, but also in the tabs and address bar).

Favicons must be valid ico files, or images which can later be converted into ico files, and have a size of 16x16 [1].

--Arbible 16:05, November 16, 2005 (CST)

Yep, I was thinking about that too. If you'd like to submit something that's great. Not sure what the best approach would be to reducing the new logo to 16 x 16! If we come up with something nice, I'll stick it into the new Firefox searchbar extension too! Fr. John
P.S. I just submitted this to Mozilla for inclusion in the Firefox search plugins page (
P.P.S. Hey! It's already up there -- cool! (See
P.P.P.S. Hey, thanks for the WikiCities Logo Contest link. I had no idea other wiki projects were doing this kind of thing.
> If you'd like to submit something that's great
Thanks Father and congratulations on the new look! I would receive a blessing by doing so, but I am not a graphic designer (you can tell from my very humble contributions sent to you some weeks ago via a 'logo submission' Hotmail account: the anonymous OOO WWW Logo and Circle Logos :-).
I can resize the current logo to 16X16 in PaintShop Pro, but as you have rightly mentioned, this won't produce good results. Perhaps HappyGrevling can quickly design a 16X16 matching icon with just the circle and the cross inside it (and maybe also using fewer colours)? Microsoft and other interested parties provide detailed guidelines on how to produce such "miniature" versions by reducing icon detail and focusing on distinguishing features, etc. (for Windows XP and the forthcoming Vista, but the same principles would apply to favicons)
I personally liked Baker's second icon for its elegance and simplicity, and the way it uses different shades of the same colours. However, I think HappyGrevling's winning logo "really captures the mission" of OrthodoxWiki in a far better way than any of the other submissions.
With my prayerful best wishes, --Arbible 18:23, November 16, 2005 (CST)
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I agree that there were a lot of excellent logo submisisons. I just created and uploaded a .png image we could use as a favicon (not sure how to make it a .ico). - HappyGrevling
The following png2ico converter program might help:
Thank you very much. In Christ, --Arbible 15:59, November 17, 2005 (CST)

I have successfully converted your file using the above tool, but the system won't allow me to upload it. You can retrieve it from (right-click to save):

(It should be copied to the root folder of OrthodoxWiki.)

God Bless.

Thanks everyboyd. I'll work on this soon. Fr. John

OK. Finally figured this out -- the .htaccess file was interfering with the template accessing the favicon. Anyway, I also downloaded a free little program called Iconomaker in order the make the background transparent instead of white. Finally, I've changed the icon for Firefox/Mycroft search plugin too (using a transparent .gif), and sent an update to the Mozilla site. You may have to clear your browser's cache to see the new favicon. If you already have the search plugin enabled and want the new icon, you have to find your Firefox/Mozilla profile and delere the OrthodoxWiki entries in the "searchplugins" folder. If you don't have it already, why not? You can get it from here.

Return to the project page "Logo Submissions".