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Timeline of Orthodoxy in Russia

73 bytes added, 19:26, October 14, 2009
Russian Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople: according to the written in Problem of periodisation
Each of the named historical events is end of the long historical process occurring frequently on more extensive geographical space. Besides it is necessary to consider a little conditional character of any periodisation, being guided on exact dates. There are the transition periods lasting sometimes not one decade both combining one lines of preceding and next periods. For example, the beginning of Synodical period is dated sometimes not 1721 (establishment of the Synod), but 1700 (death of last Patriarch Adriana) and etc.
==Russian Church under the Patriarch Origin of ConstantinopleChristianity on Rus' ==
* First century [[Apostle Andrew]] First-called visits the future Russian lands, planted a cross on one of the high hills of Kiev
* 864 Patriarch Photius sends [[bishop]] to Kiev
* 954 Princess [[Olga of Kiev|Ol'ha (Olga) ga]] of Kiev [[baptism|baptized]].* 983 Protomartyrs [[Theodor and John of Kiev|Theodor and his son John]]== Russian Church under jurisdiction of Constantinople (988-1488) ===== Period of the Kievan Metropolia (988-1304)===
* '''988 [[Baptism of Rus'|Baptism by St. Vladimir of Kievan Rus']]'''
* 991 † St. [[Michael of Kiev]]
* 1015 Murder of passion-bearers [[Boris and Gleb]]
* 1051 [[Hilarion of Kiev|Ilarion of Kiev]] installed to the primatial see; St. [[Anthony of the Caves]] brings [[Athonite]] monasticism to Russia.
* 1073 † St. [[Anthony of the Caves]]
* 1130 [[Nifont of Novgorod]] is made Bishop of Novgorod.