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Timeline of Orthodoxy in Russia

No change in size, 18:43, September 10, 2009
Problem of periodisation of Russian Church history
Periodization bases have been developed in detail by metropolitan Makariy (Bulgakov). He has distinguished three big periods, and also the special period defined as "introduction in history of Russian Church" -"Christianity history in Russia to equal-to-apostles prince Vladimir". The basic periods were distinguished proceeding from canonical status of the Russian Church: 1) full dependence of the Russian Church on the Constantinople Patriarchate (988-1240); 2) gradual transition of the Russian Church from this dependence to independence (1240-1589); 3) the independence (autocephalous) period (with 1589).
Subperiods in each of three periods were distinguished already on "internal" to signs, were defined by time of primacy of heads of the Church taking into account reignings and reigns, becouse the church life was defined not only by spiritual and moral authority of hierarches heading Church, but also and by a policy of the state and its secular ruler. In the third period "Russian Church in perod of its autocephaly"- metr. Makariy Macarius has had time to investigate only the initial stage, to the Council 1666-1667. The History of the Moscow Patriarchate is stated in parallel with history West-russian metropolis.
==Russian Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople==