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Thomas (disambiguation)

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The name ''''Thomas'''' from Gk. ''Thomas'', of Aramaic origin and said to mean "a twin" (John's gospel refers to Thomas as ho legomenos didymos "called the twin;" cf. Syriac toma "twin," Arabic tau'am "twin"). Before the Conquest, found only as the name of a priest. After 1066, one of the most common given names. Doubting Thomas is from John xx:25.
List of == Saints =='''Thomas''' also refers to the following [[saints]] with this name:*St. Thomas I, Patriarch of Constantinople ([[March 21]] and [[February 18]])*St. Thomas the Martyr ([[April 10]])*St. Thomas the Fool-for-Christ ([[April 24]])*St. Thomas the Fool-for-Christ ([[July 3]]) –Russian*St. Thomas of Maleo ([[July 7]]), Gr. εν Μαλεώ*St. Thomas Virgin-Martyr and Abbot ([[September 22]] and [[October 10]])
*[[Apostle Thomas]] ([[October 6]] and translation of relics [[June 20]])
:Also celebrated the first Sunday during Pentecost.
*St. Thomas the Child-martyr ([[November 1]])*St. Thomas II, Patriarch of Constantinople ([[November 14]])*St Thomas the deacon Martyr ([[November 28]])*St. Thomas the “defourkinos” ([[December 10]]), Gr. ο Δεφουρκινός
List of female saints with this name:
*St. Thomai of Lesvos ([[January 3]])*St. Thomai the Martyr ([[April 14]])----