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[[image: SaintEuphemia.png|thumb|right|300px|Saint Euphemia]]
The Holy Glorious Great-[[Martyr]] '''Euphemia''' (Greek: Εὐφημία), known as the All-praised in the Orthodox Church was martyred for her faith at Chalcedon in 304AD.
The [[feast day]] of Saint Euphemia is [[September 16]] in commemoration of her martyrdom. Her miracle at the Council of Chalcedon is commemorated on [[July 11]].
==See Also==
[https://orthodoxacademy.org GreatMartyr Euphemia Orthodox Theological Academy], an online theological academy which opened in 2018, has St. Euphemia the All-Praised as its patroness.
[[Category:3rd-century saints]]
[[pt:Eufêmia, a Bem-Aventurada]]
[[ro:Eufimia din Calcedon]]