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Sign of the Cross

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==How to==
'''''Greek, Slavic, Latin, West Armenian, Ethiopian, Coptic and Antiochian Rites:''''' In general Orthodox practice, the right hand is used. The thumb, index, and middle finger are brought to a point. They are then placed on the forehead after that moved down to the solar plexus (moving to the sternumas other denominations do forms an inverted cross). Finally the hand is moved to the right shoulder and horizontally across to the left. [[Oriental Orthodox]] and Western Christians, however, go in reverse order on this last step, from left to right. As one moves through the Sign, one recites, at the forehead, "In the name of the Father"; at the sternumsolar plexus, "and of the Son"; and across the shoulders, "and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." There are variations that occur. For example, some may mark a very large cross, or a very small one. Some may say "and of the Holy ''Spirit''" across the shoulders. After moving the hand from one shoulder to the other, it may return to the sternum. It may be accompanied instead at times with the words of the [[Jesus Prayer]] in some form, or simply "[[Lord ]], have mercy."The thumb, index and middle finger brought to a point symbolize the [[Trinity]], three persons sharing a single essence. The remaining two fingers are kept pressed close together and to the palm, representing the human and divine natures united together in [[Jesus Christ]].
The [[Image:2finger.jpg|thumb|left|[[Old Believers|Old Russian]], [[Armenian Apostolic Church|East Armenian]], and [[Church of Antioch|Old Antiochian Rites]]]]'''''Old Russian, East Armenian, and Old Antiochian Rites:''''' As one moves through the Sign, one recites, at the forehead, "Lord"; at the stomach, "Jesus Christ"; on the right shoulder, "Son of God"; and on the left shoulder, "have mercy on us." followed by a bow (to the ground during Great Lent). Joining two fingers together&mdash;the index and the middle finger&mdash;and extending them, with the middle finger slightly bent, represents the two natures of Christ: his divinity and his humanity. The index finger represents his divinity, while the middle finger represents his humanity. The bending of the middle finger brought to a point symbolize may be interpreted that he bowed the heavens and came down upon the earth for our salvation. [[TrinityTheodoret]](393–457) gave the following instruction: <blockquote>This is how to bless someone with your hand and make the sign of the cross over them. Hold three fingers, as equals, together, to represent the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. These are not three gods, but one God in Trinity. The names are separate, but the divinity one. The Father was never incarnate; the Son incarnate, but not created; the Holy Ghost neither incarnate nor created, but issued from the Godhead: three persons sharing in a single essencedivinity. Divinity is one force and has one honor. They receive on obeisance from all creation, both angels and people. Thus the decree for these three fingers. You should hold the other two fingers slightly bent, not completely straight. This is because these represent the dual nature of Christ, divine and human. God in His divinity, and human in His incarnation, yet perfect in both. The remaining two upper finger represents divinity, and the lower humanity; this way salvation goes from the higher finger to the lower. So is the bending of the fingers interpreted, for the worship of Heaven comes down for our salvation. This is how you must cross yourselves and give a blessing, as the holy fathers have commanded.</blockquote>  Peter of Damascus (12th Century) gave the following instruction: <blockquote>Then we should also marvel how demons and various diseases are kept pressed close together dispelled by the sign of the precious and life-giving Cross, which all can make without cost or effort. Who can number the panegyrics composed in its honor? The holy fathers have handed down to us the palminner significance of this sign, representing so that we can refute heretics and unbelievers. The two fingers and single hand with which it is made represent the human Lord Jesus Christ crucified, and divine He is thereby acknowledged to exist in two natures united together in and one hypostasis or person. The use of the right hand betokens His infinite power and the fact that He sits at the right hand of the Father. That the sign begins with a downward movement from above signifies His descent to us from heaven. Again, the movement of the hand from the right side to the left drives away our enemies and declares that by His invincible power the Lord overcame the devil, who is on the left side, dark and lacking strength.</blockquote> [[Jesus ChristAthanasius of Alexandria]](269-373 A.D.) and Peter of Damascus(12th Century), gave the following instructions: <blockquote>By the signing of the holy and life-giving cross, devils and various scourges are driven away. For it is without price and without cost and praises him who can say it. The holy fathers have, by their words, transmitted to us, and even to the unbelieving heretics, how the two raised fingers and the single hand reveal Christ our God in His dual nature but single substance. The right hand proclaims His immeasurable strength, His sitting on the right hand of the Father, and His coming down unto us from Heaven. Again, by the movement of the hands to our right the enemies of God will be driven out, as the Lord triumphs over the Devil with His inconquerable power, rendering him dismal and weak. </blockquote>
The first mention of Christians making the sign of the Cross is in the 2nd Century by Tertullian who said: "In all our travels and movements, in all our coming in and going out, in putting of our shoes, at the bath, at the table, in lighting our candles, in lying down, in sitting down, whatever employment occupieth us, we mark our foreheads with the sign of the cross" (De cor. Mil., iii). In the early Church it is believed that the cross was made only on the forehead. Therefore Tertullian also says: "We Christians wear out our foreheads with the sign of the cross." It is also believed that Christians would also use one finger to make the sign of the cross on their foreheads or on other items. Therefore in the life of St. Barbara, we read: "One day, as Barbara stood by the pool facing the east she said, In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and she miraculously drew the sign of the cross has been in the marble wall of the bathhouse with her finger." That the cross was made with only one finger is also confirmed by St. Epiphanius in his Panarion (Adv. Haer. Xxx, 12), where he speaks of a certain Josephus, who imparted to a vessel of water the power of overthrowing magical incantations by "making over the vessel with his finger the seal of the cross" pronouncing the while a form of prayer. Again half a century later Sozomen, the church historian (VII, xxvi), describes how Bishop Donatus when attacked by a demon "made the sign of the cross with his finger in the air and spat upon the monster". However, by the fourth century it appears as more than one finger began to be used for making the sign of the cross. Thus St Cyril of Jerusalem, in his Catecheses (xiii, 36) remarks: "Let us then not be ashamed to confess the Crucified. Be the cross our seal, made with boldness by our fingers on our brow and in every thing; over the bread we eat and the cups we drink, in our comings and in goings; before our sleep, when we lie down and when we awake; when we are traveling, and when we are at rest." It is believed that two fingers began to be used to make the sign of the cross, as a guard against Monophysitism. Thus by using two fingers, one would profess the two natures in Christ. It is therefore not surprising that the first evidence of using two fingers to make the sign of the cross is found in the writings of Theodoret of Cyrus, who is well known for his antagonism towards the Monophysites. Thus Theodoret of Cyrus writes: "Thus does one bless with the hand and cross oneself: Holding three fingers together evenly the thumb and the last two fingers-confesses a mystery in the image of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. There are not three gods, but one God in Trinity; there is a distinction of names, but one Godhead. The Father is unbegotton; the Son is begotten of the Father, yet not created; the Holy Spirit is nither begotten nor created, but proceeds. They are three in one Godhead; but one in power, one in honour, one in the adoration of all creation, angles and men. Such is the explanation of these three fingers. Joining two fingers together-the index and the middle finger-and extending them, with the middle finger slightly bent, represents the two natures of Christ: His Divinity and His Humanity. He is God according to His divinity and Man according to His hummanity, perfect in both natures. The index finger represents His divinity, while the middle finger repersents His hummanity, since He came down from on high and saved those below. The bending of the middle finger is interperted to mean that He bowed the heavens and came down upon the earth for our salvation." (Domostroi Excerpt, chap. 13, Carolyn Johnston Pouncy, Cornell University, 1994) Saint Peter Damascene (+ 775 A.D.) also confirms this in his following discourse in the Philocalia: "The holy Fathers have handed down to us the days meaning of this holy sign, in order to refute heretics and unbelievers. The two fingers and the early one hand then, represent then the crucified Lord Jesus Christ, who we profess as having two natures in one person. The right hand recalls His unlimited might and His sitting at the right hand of the Father. And one begins to trace it from above because of His decent from the heavens to us on earth. Furthermore, the movement of the hand from the right side to the left drives away the enemies and indicates that the Lord through His invincible might has conquered the devil who is on the left, powerless and gloomy being." (Philocalia page 642) It is also claimed that St. Meletius the Confessor, Bishop of Antioch, also wrote a treaties outlining the signing of the cross with two fingers. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that St. Meletius the Confessor, as well as St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Theodoret of Cyrus and St. Peter of Damascus all belonged to the local Church both liturgically and of Antioch, which at times various points in time included all of Middle East as well as sometimes including Cappadocia, Asia Minor, Palestine, Sinai and elsewhere, prior to the establishment of the Patriarchates of Constantinople and Jerusalem. Therefore, it is possible that the signing of the cross with two fingers was not a marker universal custom, but only an Antiochian tradition. This would also make much sense, because the Antiochians were staunch defenders of membershipOrthodoxy against Monophysitism, and thus, a symbol hence the emphasis of friendship two natures and the signing of sortsthe cross with two fingers. Nevertheless, due by the time the Russian lands were enlightened in the 10th century, it was this tradition that prevailed in Cappadocia, Asia Minor, and wherever else missionaries would have been sent to Russia from Byzantium. Hence, the Russian Church received this ancient tradition right from the very beginning, and preserved it for several centuries afterwards. However, at least by the persecution 9th century, the practice had become prevalent throughout the Orthodox East and West for the sign of the cross to be made using three fingers instead of early Christianstwo. The first recorded reference thumb, index finger and middle finger were joined together to symbolize the Holy Trinity, while the ring finger and little finger were tucked into the palm to represent the Sign two natures of Christ. The first written record of this form is found in the writings of the Orthodox Pope [[TertullianLeo IV of Rome]] who reposed in 855 A.D., and whom St. Photius the Great considered a Saint and attributed many miracles. Thus, Pope Leo writes: "Sign the chalice and the host, with a right cross and not with circles or with a varying of the fingers, but with two fingers stretched out and the thumb hidden within them, by which the Trinity is symbolized. Take heed to make this sign rightly, for otherwise you can bless nothing" (csee Georgi, "Liturg. 160-225 Rom. Pont.", III, 37). In about 1000 A.D., Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham in England, who reposed in 1020 A.D., wrote the following: "A man may wave about wonderfully with his hands without creating any blessing unless he make the sign of the cross. But if he do the fiend will soon be frightened on account of the victorious token. With three fingers one must bless himself for the Holy Trinity" (Thorpe, "The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church" I, 462). Over a century after the schism of 1054, the Frankish Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)made the following declaration: "The sign of the cross is made with three fingers, who says that Christians because the signing is done together with the invocation of the Trinity. ... This is how it is done: from above to below, and from the right to the left, because Christ descended from the heavens to the earth, and from the Jews (right) He passed to the Gentiles (left).The practice of making the sign of the cross with three fingers may or may not have originated in the West. Nevertheless, it existed in the West by at every forward step least the year 855, before the repose of the Orthodox Pope Leo IV, and thus was practiced in the Orthodox West before the schism of 1054, and movementeven for several centuries after the schism. In the East, the practice of making the sign of the cross with three fingers was the common practice by at every going least the 12th century. Thus the Greek Church, the Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians, Georgians, Wallachians, Moldavians and even the Russians living under Polish rule all adopted the signing of the cross using three fingers representing the Holy Trinity. Interestingly, the use of three fingers also became the norm among the Monophysites Copts, Syrians, Armenians, and even the far off Ethiopians. However, all of the Monophysites make the sign of the cross from right to left, similarly to the practice of the Orthodox. The Nestorians of Mesopotamia, Persia and India also use three fingers today. This is ironic because the Nestorians would want to emphasize the two natures of Christ. Yet they do not sign the cross with two fingers representing the two natures, but rather with three fingers representing the Holy Trinity. The Nestorians also sign the cross from right to left, thereby having the exact same practice as the Greeks. Thus, the practice of making the sign with three fingers had reached the Italians, Spaniards, French, Germans, and English in the west. It had reached the Greeks, Bulgarians, Georgians, Albanians, Serbs, Wallachians, Moldavians and Poles. It had also reached the Egyptians, Syrians, Armenians, Mesopotamians, Persians, and even the far off Ethiopians and Indians. But it had not reached the Russians! The Orthodox Church of Russia continued to observe the practice of making the sign of the cross with two fingers, as had been prescribed by Theodoret of Cyrus and outSt. Peter of Damascus. The writings of these Fathers were even inscribed in the typicon (trebnik) used by the Russian Church. When by the middle of the 16th century, the Russians had realized their practice differed from the Poles to the west, when we put on our clothes and shoesthe Bulgarians, when we batheGreeks and Georgians to the south, when we sit measures were taken to decide which practice was more original. These issues were addressed at table.the Council Convened by Emperor Ivan the Terrible in the year 1551.This Council is also called the Stoglav Council, or the "Council of the One Hundred Chapters. " However, this Council did not merely decide that the sign of the Cross should be made with two fingers, but it also condemned anyone who did not perform the sign of the Cross in this manner! Canon 31 of the Stoglav Council reads as follows: "The sign of the cross must be made according to the rules, in the form of a cross; and the right hand, that is, the dextral hand, must be used in crossing oneself, with the thumb and the two lower fingers joined together, and the extended index finger joined to the middle finger, slightly bent; thus should prelates [and] priests give their blessing and thus should men cross themselves… It befits all Orthodox Christians to hold their hand thus, and to make the ordinary actions sign of daily lifethe cross upon their face with two fingers, and to bow, as we trace upon said before. If anyone should fail to give his blessing with two fingers, as Christ did, or should fail to make the forehead sign of the signcross with two fingers, may he be accursed…" (The Chaplet In 1569, 3). Other mentions the Frankish Pope abolished the use of three fingers in the West, and ordered the sign of the cross to be made with five fingers, and exhortations from left to perform right, instead of right to left. However, this practice was not introduced in the East, neither among the Orthodox, nor among the Monophysites and Nestorians. In 1589, Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremias II Tranus visited Russia and elevated the Metropolitan of Moscow to the rank of Patriarch. The Greek and Russian Churches thus maintained their unity without fail, despite the fact that the Greeks made the sign of the cross with three fingers, while the Russians made it whenever possible abound with two. In 1654, Patriarch Nicon of Moscow, after having visited the Ottoman Empire, understood that the practice of the Russian Church differed from that of the Greeks, Georgians, Romanians, Bulgarians and Serbs. He therefore called a Council, with the Czar’s approval, in which he requested revisions to be made to liturgical texts, as well as for the [[Russian Church Fathers]]to adopt the practice of using three fingers to make the sign of the cross. However, this immediately led to sharp opposition. The most prominent enemy of reform was the well-known Protopresbyter Abbacum.
It does seem clearIn 1666-1667, thoughthe Russian Church called another Council, that in which it invited representatives from the most common way Churches of making the Sign was simply to mark one's foreheadAlexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, not the entire upper bodyConstantinople and elsewhere. The first written record However, none of this enlargement can be seen in [[Nino of Cappadocia|St Nino]]the guests were Patriarchs, the Apostle and some of Georgia, from the fourth or fifth century: "Stbishops had already been deposed by their own Churches. Nino began to pray and entreat God for a long time. Then she took her (wooden) cross and with Furthermore, it touched is believed that many of the bishops were paid by the Queen's headRussian State, her feet with money and her shouldersproducts, making to vote in favor of the sign of reform. The following is an account by Protopresbyter Abbacum regarding his dialogue with the cross Greek and straightway she was cured" (Studia Biblica, V, 32)." Russian bishops at the [[Moscow Sobor of 1666–1667|Council of 1666-1667]]:
One way "The last word they said to me was, "Why are you stubborn? All of explaining Palestine – and the Serbs, the Albanians, the Wallachians, the extension Romans and the Poles – all of them cross themselves with the three fingers and only you remain obstinate and make the Sign sign with two fingers. That is not fitting!" And I answered them for Christ as follows: "Ecumenical teachers! Rome has long since fallen and lies prostrate, and the Poles perished with them, and are the enemies of Christians to point out that after the Emperor [[Constantine end. Among you Orthodoxy has become mottled because of the Great|Constantine]]'s issuance violence of Mehmet the Turk – and one must not be amazed at you: you have become powerless. And so henceforth, come to us to study, for, by the [[Edict grace of Milan]] God, we have autocracy. Before Nikon the apostate, in 313Russia, which made Christianity an officially legal religionunder our pious princes and tsars, Orthodoxy was complete, Christians were freer pure and undefiled and the church without uproar. Nikon, that wolf, and the Devil ordered us to cross ourselves with three fingers: but our first pastors crossed themselves more emphatically with two fingers and likewise gave their blessing with two fingers according to the tradition of the holy fathers, Meletius of Antioch, the blessed Theodoret Bishop of Cyrene, Peter of Damascus, and Maximus the Greek. Likewise the local council of Moscow under Tsar Ivan ordered us to cross ourselves and give the blessing, putting our fingers together in a more open mannerthat way, to make the sign of the Cross and give the blessing, as of old the Holy Fathers Meletius and others taught. Then in the time of Ivan the Tsar, there were the standard-bearers, Gurias and Barsanuphius, wonder-workers of Kazan, and Philip the Abbot of Solovki among the Russian Saints." (‘Gudzy, Zhitie’ p. 101.)
Another explanation of the enlarged scope The Council of the sign of the cross is linked to the [[Monophysite heresy]]1666-1667, condemned by the [[Council of Chalcedon]]nevertheless, whose dogmas are not accepted by the [[Oriental Orthodox]]. This theory speculates that: "The use reversed several decisions of the thumb alone or Stoglav Council held under Ivan the single forefinger, which so long as only Terrible over a small cross was traced upon the forehead was almost inevitable, seems to have given way for symbolic reasons to century earlier in 1551. Thus the use of two three fingers (to make the forefinger and middle finger, or thumb and forefinger) as typifying sign of the two natures and two wills in Jesus Christcross was no longer anathematized. But if two fingers were to be employed, On the large crosscontrary, in which forehead, breast, etc. were merely touched, suggested itself as the only natural gesture. Indeed some large movement Synod of the sort was required 1666-1667 anathematized all those who continue to make it perceptible that a man was using two fingers rather than one. At a somewhat later date, throughout the greater part sign of the East, three fingers, or rather the thumb and cross with two fingers were displayed, while the ring and little finger were folded back upon the palm" (Catholic Encyclopedia). In Armenia, Protopresbyter Abbacum was among those anathematized. He was imprisoned for exampleanother decade, and in earlier Russia, two fingers were in fact used. However, the precise development after which he was burnt alive by order of one to two to three or perhaps just one to three fingers isn't exceptionally well documented in the Patristic literature; therefore, the findings aren't conclusiveState.
In Finally, in the western [[Roman Catholic Church]] the direction Sacred Rudder, St. Nicodemus of making Mt Athos informs us in his 2nd footnote to the sign 91st Canon of St Basil the crossGreat (Rudder, which had previously been from right shoulder to left shoulder, as it is today page 645 in Orthodoxythe Greek edition, was changed and page 857 in the thirteenth century when Pope Innocent III (1198-1216English version), following : "The ancient Christians used to make the sign of the [[Great Schism]] between Cross with a different configuration of the Western and Eastern Churches and hand, that is to say, more explicitly speaking, with only the subsequent hostility between two fingers of the respective heads (hand, namely, the Pope of Rome index finger and the Patriarch middle finger, as St. Peter Damascene informs us (page 642 of Constantinople mutually excommunicated each otherPhilocalia), directed where he says that the Sign was hand as a whole signifies the single substance of Christ, while the two fingers signify His two natures. But the custom now prevailing among Christians is for the two fingers to be made conjoined with the thumb; and with these three fingers from the forehead together to represent the breast and from Holy Trinity…" (OCES, The Rudder, "The 92 Canons of St Basil the left to the right shoulder.Great," Canon 91, footnote 2)
In Russia until the reforms The most ancient of Patriarch Nikon in Orthodox icons prove that at least the 17th century, it blessing was customary to make performed using the sign of the cross with two fingers (symbolizing the dual nature of Christ). The enforcement of the three-finger sign was one gesture of the reasons for hand, as is still the [[schism]] of practice among Old Believer hierarchs and priests to bless the [[flock, and as all Old Believers]], whose congregations continue to use make the two-finger sign of the crossupon themselves.
==Use of the sign==
In Eastern Orthodox prayers, the sign of the cross is usually made whenever all three persons of the [[Trinity]] are addressed, or even alluded to. Before commencing any prayer, in fact, the Sign is typically made. Upon entering a church, and the sanctuary within the church, one will make the Sign partly as an outward sign of reverence and [[veneration]]. Orthodox laymen will make the Sign as one way of venerating an [[icon]]; [[priest|Priests]] have many more specific occasions upon which to make the Sign. Many members of the Faith will make the Sign in a way that may seem idiomatic to some: for example, if a member is exposed to blasphemy, he or she may make the Sign, partly to suggest subtly and politely to the speaker that an offense has been committed. Some members of the Faith will use the Sign in what almost appears to be a wish for luck; it may be that, or a part of an unsaid prayer for God's blessing, as when beginning a journey or a sports competition.
The Sign of the Cross has minor variants as well: it can be made in the air to bless objects, and it may trace a very small trajectory, such as on the forehead (as the earliest descriptions of the Sign suggest). For a member of the Faith, perhaps the essential element of the Sign is that it physically indicates the direct relevance of the Cross, of the Sacrifice of [[Jesus]], to one's person or surroundings. It is an engagement of the body that affirms what the faithful professes. It is also a sign to others of what one professes.
* [[Wikipediaw:Sign of the cross|''Sign of the cross'' at Wikipedia]]* [ Catholic Encyclopedia: The Sign of the Cross] ([[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]])* [ The Fathers on the Sign of the Cross] (Traditional Catholic)* [ On making the Sign of The Cross]([[Old Believers]])*[ Sign of The Cross] (Old Believers)
[[Category:Church Life]]
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