add list of ruling bishops;
bishop=Bp. [[Nicholas Gregory (SmiskoTatsis) of AmissosNyssa|Metr. NicholasGregory of Nyssa]]|see=AmissosNyssa|
hq=Johnstown, Pennsylvania|
territory=United States, Canada|
website=[http://www.acrod.org/ ACROD]
The '''American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese''' (ACROD) is a [[diocese]] of the [[Ecumenical Patriarchate]] with about 75 [[parish]]es in the United States and Canada, which is led by Metropolitan Bishop [[Nicholas Gregory (SmiskoTatsis) of AmissosNyssa]]. Though the diocese is directly responsible to the Patriarchate, it is under the spiritual supervision of the [[primate]] of the [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America]]. Its full name is the '''American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Dioceseof the U.S.A.'''.
==The ACROD today==
Besides its 75 parishes, the ACROD has one [[seminary]] located in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, [[Christ the Saviour Seminary (Johnstown, Pennsylvania)|Christ the Saviour Seminary]]. The bulk of the diocese's parishes are in the United States, with one in Canada, and nearly half are located in Pennsylvania. There was formerly a diocesan [[monastery]], the [[Monastery of the Annunciation (Tuxedo Park, New York)|Monastery of the Annunciation]] in Tuxedo Park, New York, but it was closed in the early 1990s. Another monastery at Beallsville, Maryland, known as [http://omna.malf.net/hcnews.htm Monastery of the Holy Cross], dissolved in 1997 when the abbot went over to the Ukrainian Catholic Church.
The diocese has 14 deaneries:
*Canadian - Rev. Fr. Maxym Lysack
*Chicago - Rev. Fr. Samuel Sherry
*Florida - Very Rev. Fr. Michael ShusterMiklos*Johnstown - Very Rev. FrProtopresbyter Frank P. David CochranMiloro
*Mid-Atlantic - Very Rev. Protopresbyter Robert Rebeck
*New England - Very Rev. Fr. Luke Mihaly
*New Jersey - Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco
*New York - Very Rev. Fr. John J. BeskidProtopresbyter Michael Rosco*Pittsburgh - Very Rev. Protopresbyter John P. GidoRobert Prepelka*Pocono - Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence BarrigerMark Leasure
*Southern Tier - Very Rev. Protopresbyter James Dutko
*Tri-State - Very Rev. Fr. James A. Gleason, JrMichael C.Kabel*Washington, D.C. - Very Rev. Fr. Miles ZdinakProtopresbyter Michael Rosco
*Youngstown - Very Rev. Fr. Kenneth Bachofsky
The diocese is also a member of [[SCOBA]].
==Ruling Bishops==
* [[Orestes (Chornock) of Agathonikeia]] (1938-1977)
* [[John (Martin) of Nyssa]] (1977-1984)
* [[Nicholas (Smisko) of Amissos]] (1985-2011)
* [[Gregory (Tatsis) of Nyssa]] (2012-Present)
== External links ==
*[http://www.acrod.org/ Official Website of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese]
*[http://www.cnewa.org/ecc-bodypgdefault.aspx?eccpageIDID=41&IndexViewpagetypeID=toc 9&sitecode=HQ&pageno=1 Eastern Christian Churches: American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church] by Ronald Roberson, a Roman Catholic priest and scholar
[[Category:Orthodoxy in America]]
[[fr:Église orthodoxe carpato-ruthène américaine]]
[[ro:Eparhia Ortodoxă Carpato-Rusă Americană]]