→First Class Feasts—Feasts of the Lord
**The [[polyeleos]] (Psalms 134 and 135) is chanted immediately after the second poetic kathisma (on a Sunday it replaces the [[amomos]] (Psalm 118) as the third reading from the Psalter).
**Select Psalm verses from the [[eclogarion]] can follow the polyeleos, if desired.
**There is a gospel [[pericope]] for the feast (chanted from the [[holy doorsHoly Doors]] and without a veneration following).
**The praises and the great doxology are chanted.
*At the [[Divine Liturgy]] for the feast, the patronal [[troparion]] of the temple is suppressed.
*The divine services are for the feast alone; all other commemorations are suppressed (even on a Sunday).
*When the feast falls on a [[fasting|fasting day]], the fast is relaxed to permit fish, wine, and oil(exception: in '''Elevation of the Holy Cross''', even if it falls on Sunday, a strict fasting is observed.).
== Second Class Feasts—Feasts of the Theotokos ==
'''Third Class Feasts''' are commemorations for which the [[Menaion]] includes a complete akolouthia.
*These feasts generally do not have a forefeast or a leavetaking (exceptions: the commemorations of St. [[Demetrios]] ([[October 26]]), the [[Nativity of the Forerunner]] ([[June 24]]), Ss. [[Apostle Peter |Peter]] and [[Apostle Paul|Paul]] ([[June 29]]), and the [[Beheading of St. John the Forerunner|Beheading of the Forerunner]] ([[August 29]]) each has a leavetaking).
*An All-Night Vigil may be appointed if there is a text for [[Little Vespers]] in the Menaion, in which case the commemoration is designated '''Vigil'''. Otherwise, an All-Night Vigil is not appointed and the commemoration is designated '''Polyeleos'''.
*At Great Vespers
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