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Template:December 15

Hieromartyr Eleutherius Bishop of Illyria

Hieromartyr Eleutherius, Bishop of Illyria, and Martyrs Anthia ((Evanthia, his mother), Coremonus the Eparch (Corybus), and two executioners who suffered with them (117-138); Martyr Eleutherius of Byzantium (beg. of 4th c.); Martyr Susanna the Deaconess, of Palestine (4th c.); Venerable Pardus the Hermit, of Palestine (6th c.); Saint Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Surozh in the Crimea (ca. 790) Monk-martyr Bacchus of St. Sabbas Monastery (Bacchus the New), by beheading (late 8th c.); Venerable Paul of Mt. Latros (Paul the New Ascetic) (896 or 956); Saint Valerian of Abbenza, Bishop of Abbenza in North Africa (457); Martyrs Faustinus, Lucius, Candidus, Caelian, Mark, Januarius and Fortunatus, in North Africa; Saint Mesmin (Maximin, Maximinus), first Abbot of Micy (Saint-Mesmin de Micy Abbey) near Orleans in France (520); Saint Aubertus, Bishop of Cambrai-Arras (Netherlands) (668); Saint Florentius (Flann), Abbot of Bangor Abbey in Ireland (7th c.); Saint Offa of Essex, King of Essex in England, he went to Rome and took up the monastic life (ca.709); Saint Urbicius (Urbitius, Úrbez) (ca.805); Saint Adalbero (Adalbero II of Upper Lorraine), a monk at the monastery of Gorze in France, became Bishop of Verdun, was transferred to Metz (1005); Saint Nectarius of Bitel (Nektarios of Bitola, Nektarij Bitolski) (1500); Saint Tryphon of Pechenga or Kola, "Enlightener of the Lapps" (1583), and his martyred disciple Jonah (1590); New Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky), Archbishop of Verey (1929); New Hieromartyrs Alexander Rozhdestvensky and Basil Vinogradov, Priests of Tver (1937); New Hieromartyr Victorinus, Priest (1937); New Hieromartyr Joseph, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg (1938); Virgin-martyr Victorina (Diobronravova); Other commemorations: Commemoration of the ordination of St. John Chrysostom as the Patriarch of Constantinople (15 December 397); Synaxis of the Saints of the Crimea; Synaxis of the Saints of Kola (Kolsk).