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Talk:Menas of Egypt

(Redirected from Talk:Menas)

There are many things I'm confused about in this article:

  • Mina used throughout the article, but Menas as the article title. Is this saint of Alexandria (with a feast day of December 10)? Does this article need to be moved to a better title? Menas the Wonder-worker? What do you think?
  • The first paragraph seems especially disjointed when one reaches the second paragraph. Perhaps headings for the sections would help. (Life, Martyrdom, Posthumous miracles?) I'm not sure about heading for the third.
  • "He returned to the city over which he was Governor ..." followed by "... the Governor ordered him to be tortured" in the same paragraph (which begins, "One day he saw the heavens open ...").

Any thoughts, or should I just go ahead and make an initial revision? —magda 19:11, 5 Jul 2005 (EDT)

Mina is the name by which he's known in the Coptic church, and the article as it now stands appears to be a vita from that POV. Since this is a saint we share in common, and since the MCB is a standard by which we judge potential disputes on OrthodoxWiki, I'd honestly be in favor of a total rewrite/correction according to the standard Chalcedonian sources. Menas the Wonder-worker would work just fine as a title, though I don't know of any other saints by this name (do you?). —Dcn. Andrew talk random contribs 20:07, 5 Jul 2005 (EDT)
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