International Orthodox Christian Charities

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International Orthodox Christian Charities, Inc. (IOCC) was established in March 1992 as the official international humanitarian organization of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). Since 1992, IOCC programs have helped people in 23 countries, including Albania, Argentina, Ethiopia, Greece, Honduras, India, Iraq, Jerusalem/West Bank, Lebanon, Mexico, Mozambique, Nicaragua, the Republic of Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Turkey, the United States and the former Yugoslavia.


  • Community Development and Mobilization programs, increasing the ability of community-based organizations to provide local solutions to local problems.
  • Refugee Return and Assistance programs that facilitate the reintegration of refugees into their home countries.
  • Youth Development and Services programs that foster youth leadership and youth participation in their communities.
  • Business Development programs that give people the tools to work their way out of poverty with dignity.
  • Agriculture and Food Production programs, helping rural populations raise their levels of nutrition, standard of living and agricultural productivity.
  • Disaster and Emergency Relief programs that address the immediate needs of people suffering from natural disaster, war or civil unrest.
  • Education and Training programs that nurture local leaders and organizations which advocate for their communities and promote the general welfare.
  • Social Welfare programs that provide material and technical assistance to social welfare institutions.
  • Shelter Construction and Repair programs.

See also

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