I am currently one of the sysops here on OrthodoxWiki. You are more than welcome to comment and ask questions on my talk page.
[hide]Useful links
More about me
- User:Magda/Edittools A draft for English and Romanian edittool files for mediawiki use. (Discussion: OrthodoxWiki:Trapeza#edittools)
- User:Magda/Category Sitemap A different way to look at the hierarchical structure of categories on the English-language wiki, to streamline it, and to assist in structuring and lining up other-lanugage versions.
(Based on a similar section of Basil's.)
- Feasts and Saints of the Church Year on the Orthodox Church in America site
- Church Calendar and Search for a Saint from the goarch website
- Prologue of Ohrid (Serbian Orthodox Church Diocese of Western America)
- The Christian Classics Ethereal Library a wonderful repository of patristic translations
- Orthodox Research Institute All the Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church in alphabetical order
- A Dictionary of Orthodox Terminology (goarch)
- Bulgarian-English translator
- Romanian-English-Romanian dictionaries
Ideas for the wiki
- "How-to" page explaining what needs to be included on each image; maybe a template/category indicating that something is missing so we can go back and fix/find
- Hagiographical something like the WikiProject Saints, what to include, where to get information, restrictions on OCA image use, other guidelines
I am married to a priest who serves at the (GOARCH) parish of St. John the Baptist in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
A convert from Catholicism, I was chrismated on January 25, 2004, the feast day of St. Gregory the Theologian. I chose the name Magdalene for my middle name to honor my patron saint, St. Mary Magdalene, whose feast day is July 22.
My husband and I were married on July 24, 2004, at St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church [1] of South Bend, Indiana, by Fr. George Konstantopoulos. We have six children.
I am interested in iconography—both in the writing and interpreting of icons—and in learning Byzantine chant.
Please feel free to email me or read my blog.
Pray for me, a sinner.
Magda's Husband
My husband, Fr. Peter, came from Romania to pursue undergraduate studies. Prior to graduating from Holy Cross as the valedictorian, his most recent degree was a doctorate in computer science. He enjoys sports, singing (opera, barbershop, and chant), working for the Church, and sharing really bad puns. He is nigh invulnerable and quite tall, both on purpose.
- Pictures and explanations of Dn. Virgil's ordination to the diaconate by Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago (Greek Archdiocese) on June 4, 2006, at St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church in South Bend, Indiana.
- Pictures and explanations of the first Liturgy he served as a deacon, with Fr. Andrew Demotses and Fr. Costin Popescu, on June 6, 2006, at St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church in Peabody, Massachusetts.
- Pictures of Fr. Peter's ordination to the priesthood by Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta on his name day, June 29, 2007, at St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Savannah, Georgia.
I hereby reissue all of my edits before November 22, 2005, under both the GNU Free Documentation License as well as the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (version 2.5 or later), unless explicitly noted otherwise, in conformity with the revised OrthodoxWiki default copyright policy. |
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