Nilus Cabasilas

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Nilus Cabasilas ((Greek)

Νεῖλος Καβάσιλας) was a fourteenth-century Bishop of Thessalonika, uncle of notable Palamite theologian Nicholas Cabasilas, and teacher of Byzantine theologian and statesman Demetrius Cydones. Demetrius described him as "passionately enthusiastic" about Thomism, which made Cabasilas an anomaly in that he also vigorously defended Palamism and attacked the western interpolation of the Nicene Creed.[1]


The date of his birth is uncertain, dating by some as early as 1314 and by others at a later date. He opposed strongly the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the author of a number of works, of which only a couple have appeared in print, that dealt with the Great Schism and on the primacy of the Roman pope. The date of his death is unknown.

He succeeded Gregory Palamas as Archbishop of Thessalonika.

Succession box:
Nilus Cabasilas
Preceded by:
Gregory Palamas
Archbishop of Thessalonica
1360 - 1361
Succeeded by:
Nicholas II Cabasilas
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  1. Jump up John Meyendorff. Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes. New York: Fordham University Press, 1974. p.107.
