Zosimus of Cilicia
Our father among the saints Zosimus of Cilicia, also Zosimus of Babylon, was the Bishop of Babylon in Egypt during the fifth century. His feast day is commemorated on June 4.
Zosimus was born in Cilicia in Asia Minor. While still a youth he decided on a monastic life and traveled to Sinai to settle at Mount Sinai. After some time he moved to Lebanon and established himself in an isolated area. In time, he experienced an encounter with an elderly ascetic who foretold that he would be bishop in Babylon, in an area that is now known as Coptic Cairo.
Later, Zosimus returned to Mount Sinai, and while there he was sent on an errand to Alexandria. While he was in Alexandria the Patriarch became impressed with him and appointed him Bishop of Babylon. As bishop, Zosimus guided his flock wisely until he was old of age. As he sensed the approach of his death he returned to Sinai where he fell asleep peacefully in the Lord.