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*[[Cassock|Exorasson]]/Ryassa/Jibbee: Outer cassock (see above). Worn by monastics during services.
*[[Skouphos]]/skufiya/skoufia/skouphia/skoupho: see above. In Greek monastic practice, may also be hard and flat (Greek style, in services) [] or soft (Greek style, out of services) []. Worn by monastics out of services.
*[[VeilKoukoulion]] (Koukoulion): A black piece of material that comes down the back of a monastic, and has two thin strips coming off the side. []
*[[Epanokalymavchion]] or Epanokameloukion: In Greek practise, the veil is placed on top of a kalymavchion, but is not attached to it. Worn by Greek-practice monastics in services.
*[[Klobuk]]: a veil attached to a kalymavchion with a veil that extends over the back, the standard in Slavic practice. Worn by Slav-practice monastics in services.

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