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The Paradise of the Desert Fathers

1 byte removed, 15:00, February 20, 2008
Some old men said, "If you see a young man climbing up to the heavens by his own will, catch him by the foot and throw him down to the earth; it is not good for him."
At first abba Abba Ammoe said to abba Abba Isaiah, "What do you think of me?" He said to him, "You are an angel, father." Later on he said to him, "and And now, what do you think of me?" He replied, "You are like Satan. Even when you say a good word to me, it is like steel."
Abba Moses asked abba Abba Sylvanus, "Can a man lay a new foundation every day?" The old man said, "If he works hard, he can lay a new foundation at every momentsmoment."

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