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Silouan the Athonite

218 bytes removed, 17:04, July 28, 2007
rv -- This is appropriate for the Spanish OrthodoxWiki.
Though barely literate, he was sought out by pilgrims for his wise counsel. His writings were edited by his disciple and pupil, [[Archimandrite Sophrony]]. Father Sophrony has written the life of the saint along with a record of St. Silouan's teachings in the book ''Saint Silouan the Athonite''.
Some thoughts in spanish:
Nostalgia de Dios: Mil alma siente nostalgia de Dios y le busco con lagrimas...
De la oracion: El que ama al Senor se acuerda siempre de el, y el recuerdo de Dios hace brotar la oracion.
[[Troparion]] ([[Tone]] 4)
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