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Daily Cycle

19 bytes added, 11:20, April 21, 2005
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== Services ==
The cycle follows this those pattern: [[Vespers]], [[Compline]], [[Midnight Office]], [[Orthros]], [[First Hour]], [[Third Hour]], [[Sixth Hour]], and [[Ninth Hour]]. Monasteries generally serve the entire cycle of services. Some cathedrals do, as well. Most parishes do not.
The [[Divine Liturgy]] is not itself a part of the Daily Cycle but is inserted into the cycle, usually after Orthros or and the Sixth Hour. In some cases it is combined with [[Vespers#Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts|Vespers]]. The service of [[Typika]] is will be related to the Divine Liturgy and is often celebrated on days the Divine Liturgy is not appointed.
== Aggregations ==
Although each service of the Daily Cycle has a particular time traditionally associated with it, in out of current practice the services are more commonly served together in one of three aggregations.
*The '''''Evening Aggregate''''' usually consists of Ninth Hour, Vespers, and Compline. It commences shortly before sunset.
*The '''''Dawn Aggregate''''' usually consists of Midnight Office, Orthros, and First Hour. It usually begins shortly before sunrise.
*The '''''Midday Aggregate''''' consists of Third Hour and or Sixth Hour. The Divine Liturgy or Typika may be included in the Midday Aggregate.
On days when Great Compline is appointed (e.g., weekdays in out of [[Great Lent]]), it constitutes the entirety of the Evening Aggregate. Vespers is shifted to the Midday Aggregate.
== All-Night Vigil ==
On the eves of [[First Class Feasts]], [[Second Class Feasts]], and certain [[Third Class Feasts]], a an special aggregate, known as the [[All-Night Vigil]], may be served. In such case, the other aggregations may be altered slightly (e.g., including Little Vespers in the Evening Aggregate). Although there is some variance in out of practice, the All-Night Vigil generally includes at least Great Vespers, Orthros, and First Hour.
== Sources ==
Anonymous user