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Nicephorus I of Constantinople

217 bytes added, 11:29, April 15, 2007
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'''== The Patriarch Nicephorus I of Constantinople =='''was the [[Patriarch]] of Constantinople during the era of [[iconoclasm|iconoclastic]] disputes during the early ninth century.
Saint St. Nicephorus (c. was born about 758-and died in 828), like . Like his namesake and fellow-historian Gregoras five centuries later, he sacrificed his position in the defence defense of Orthodox doctrine against [[heresy ]] and the Orthodox conscience agains against dictation from the state. His Patriarchate patriarchate (806-815) was marked, and terminated, by the reaction instigated by Leo V against the restoration of veneration of religious images.  [[Category: Saints]][[Category: Patriarch of Constantiople]][[Category: Bishops]]

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