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===The Mormon Concept of Angels===
In contrast to Orthodoxy, which views angels (whether righteous or fallen) as a separate class of beings created by God prior to--and separate from--humanity, Mormonism sees angels as being either pre-existent spirits of human beings not yet physically born, or the spirits of departed "righteous" men, such as characters from the Bible and the ''Book of Mormon.'' "Moroni," the alleged "angel" or righteous men who showed the golden plates of the ''Book of Mormon'' to Joseph Smith (see below), was supposed to have been an ancient American prophet who figures prominently in the final portions of that bookresurrected alreadyWhile Mormons believe the Orthodox Church traditionally admonishes her children to mistrust ''any'' spiritual manifestations they might see (even references in the saints have sometimes been deceived by demons, such as St. [[Nikita the Venerable]] of Novgorod, for instance!), Joseph Smith offered his followers a novel test by which he claimed Bible to be able to discern true angels of God from demons. This taskhaving wings are symbolic, which involved asking to shake the "angel's" hand (Smith said one would not feel the "angel's" hand, if it were a demon), may be found in LDS ''Doctrine and Covenants'' Section 129.<ref></ref> However, the life of St. [[Martin of Tours]] illustrates that the demons are quite capable of affecting human sensory perceptions--including the human sense of touch--contrary to Joseph Smith's assertion.<ref>See St. Martin's story at, or in Chapter Five of Rose, Fr. Seraphim, ''Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future'', St. Herman of Alaska Press, 1980literal.</ref>
==="The Great [[Apostasy]]" and Apostolic Succession===

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