Liturgy of St. Mark

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The Apostle Mark

The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark was at one time the primary worship service of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria. The oldest extant copy of this liturgy dates from the fourth century.

This liturgy is currently served annually on the feast day of the Apostle Mark at Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, New York) of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, Massachusetts). The text authorized by the Holy Synod of ROCOR is the translation of Protopriest John Shaw, (now Bishop Jerome of Manhattan), and is based upon the 1586 edition of Patriarch Meletios Pegas of Alexandria and the 1890 edition of St. Nectarios of Aegina.


  • Liturgiia Apostola Marka: The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark (1997).

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